Friends of the Cawthra Bush & Greater Mississauga Area
• where my videos are posted Pages of Special Interest; • • Other Table of Contents; |
This page has not only the newest and past NEWS FLASHES, MEDIA RELEASES but also has ANNOUNCEMENTS and GENERAL NOTICES. This page has issues about the struggle to save the Cawthra Bush. Dealing with issues relating to forest ecology, group activities, Freedom of Information requests, how the City treats The Friends of the Cawthra Bush & Greater Mississauga Area (FCB) and the Cawthra Ratepayers and Residents Association (CRRA) and our efforts, as well as those who have helped us. The Main Index or Most Current Postings Do not forget to check out my YouTube site where my videos are posted.
&the likelihood that Hazel McCallion supporters
If you want to receive notice of both changes to this web-site and events relating to the efforts to save the Cawthra Bush and Mississauga's natural areas, please send me an e-mail asking to be put on the notification list or just paste this text to the e-mail. Since, Hazel McCallion, the Mayor of Mississauga has publicly expressed her concerns about my efforts to inform the public in regards to what is really going on in Mississauga, bad things have been coming my way.
Due to Bail conditions I am not allowed in Mississauga City
hall, but currently by local artist - Lauire Kallis but she did not frame me! Apr. 6 - 2007 The greatest irony is what this show is called!
Best Election Sign Ever! Nov. 15 - 2006
Kenneth L. Easton - DVM
Sept. 21 - 2006.
Ken Easton was one of the main Vets who help in the effort and
spoke a number of times but no one could stop the grinding effort from City hall
to put a end to the
Cat shelter,
not even the local Ward Councillor David Culham, could find reason in the
Mayor's chair. Ken even diagnosed "Flipper" of the 60's fame problem -
Mississauga soot! I first met Ken in the late 80's. He was a quiet spoken gentleman, with great
compassion for all animals. He had many dreams regarding animal welfare and with tenacity he followed
them. He spoke with elegance on behalf of animals and he wrote superb letters to
politicians to change Bill C-50 in Parliament. The Veterinarian world will miss you Ken. Gave a tour of the Cawthra Bush to Cawthra Parks S.S. teachers. Natalie Helferty Renowned Naturalist is running for public office in Richmond Hill. She has been of great help us on the Cawthra Bush issue. Below is her message to environmental voters. To all my friends and supporters of the environment, Yes indeed, I am running for Town Council in Richmond Hill! After many years of fighting to protect the Oak Ridges Moraine, forming a consensus to develop a plan for the Greenbelt, and providing many volunteer hours toward improving transportation, infrastructure and planning in Richmond Hill, it's time for me to move from 'advocate' to 'decision-maker'. This is a golden opportunity for both myself, and you, as supporters of all my work over the years to 'become the change we want to see', as Ghandi aptly said. I've presented The NOAH Project tying biodiversity to climate change with a message of a Vision for Renewal at many conferences over the years. The time is ripe to bring this message into action. Climate change adaptation in the face of rising oil costs is the 'Think Globally' part; now it's time for me to 'Act Locally' as a Councillor! I recently presented at The Natural City conference at UofT on the need for 'localization' to support our communities and local business to ensure we have the support system in place to become self-sufficient and economical with our resources as well as to save energy, time and effort for all residents. Life is too short to spend it sitting in gridlock traffic--we need to enjoy our communities and the natural bounty that we've managed to protect here in Richmond Hill. Planning for our aging population is imperative, as well as ensuring hope for our youth that we will leave them a better place to live. The past decisions of Council has brought us to where we are today. But, we can do better...we must do better. This is our opportunity to do so! It's time to plan for the future, honour the past, while living fully in the present. All life depends on good decisions...and I'm hoping to be the one to help make those future choices to better our world. I am stepping out to take the chance to run and make a positive change...but it's a very long interview process to do so. Every resident will be rightly evaluating my ability to lead and respond. But I can't do it takes a team. I hope you will join my team and assist in this very fruitful effort to bring a breath of fresh air onto Town Council and to the broader world. Because you know I'll be continuing to educate other leaders, who in turn will make their own decisions in their towns. That is how democracy improves conditions. So if you can spare some time or some funds toward my campaign, it will be the best investment you can make this year toward our future. Flyers, signs and displays at town hall meetings cost money. Developers are the main contributors to campaigns and they tend not to be a fan of my activities to protect nature unfortunately. So, it will be up to me and you together as residents and supporters of conservation to make this happen, the way true democracy and accountable leadership should operate . As Margaret Mead said "Never underestimate the power of a small group of committed citizens to change the world, in fact it is the only thing that ever has." Wise words from a wise woman. We will do it! Thank you all for your support over the years and your donations. I look forward to leading this Town and this planet into a wonderful new future for 'all creatures great and small', including us as a part of nature. Natalie Helferty The Natural Choice 416-460-2460 Cell if you wish to help out door-knocking and flyers! Voting day is Monday, November 13, 2006. Don't forget! For donations: cheques can be made in my name and sent to: 27A - 81 Northern Heights Drive, Richmond Hill, ON L4B 4C9 A separate account has been set up. Receipts over $25 will be issued. Unfortunately, since this is a municipal election, donation receipts can not be used on your federal income tax. My blessing & knowing you helped nature will be your reward. Bless you & Thank you! See for more information.The media shows up Aug. 23 - 2006.
To cover the Monarch Butterfly Rescue! Aug. 7 - 2006.
With their numbers dropping dramatically in the world due to
mans destruction of their habitat - all efforts by those who can, are important
to save this beautiful butterfly that migrates thousands of miles each year.
A very hard and dangerous trip for a bird incredibly more for such a small
insect. Over the years I have become known and respected July 25 - 2006. As one of goals of the Friends of the Cawthra Bush is to educate the public as to the facts
My Efforts Rescuing Canada Geese July 21 - 2006
A Risky & Oily Rescue.
Up Dates to the July 3 - 2006
Gore's message strikes home - An
Inconvenient Truth
PRESS RELEASE - November 30, 2005 Dec.
- 2005
List of Scientists and Citizens
Calling for a Steady State Economy Reaches 1,000 ! • List maintained by the Center for the Advancement of the Steady State Economy, Arlington, VA • Signatories include renowned scientists and economists • Signatures supplemented by endorsements and professional society position statements Arlington, VA (November 30, 2005) The one thousandth signature was obtained today on an internet petition maintained by the Center for the Advancement of the Steady State Economy, or “CASSE.” The CASSE petition explains what economic growth is, identifies the major threats posed by economic growth, and calls for the establishment of a steady state economy before the American and global economies exceed the capacity of the environment to support them. A steady state economy, the petition explains, is achieved when population and consumption are stabilized. Eventually, the petition states, the American government should lead other nations to develop their own steady state economies. The signature list includes prominent scientists such as Wes Jackson, James Karr, and Reed Noss, as well as leading resource economists such as John Loomis, Tom Power, and John Ikerd. William Rees and Mathis Wackernagel, developers of the “ecological footprint” concept, have signed. Several conservation organization presidents and past presidents have signed as well, including Brent Blackwelder (Friends of the Earth), Rod Heitschmidt (Society for Range Management), and John Proops (International Society for Ecological Economics). Doug LaFollette, Wisconsin Secretary of State, is one of several politicians who have signed. Herman Daly - one of the founders of ecological economics - serves on the CASSE Board of Advisors, helped craft the CASSE position, and was one of the first signatories. Brian Czech, President of CASSE, says CASSE’s “number one goal is to educate citizens and policy makers of the fundamental conflict between economic growth and environmental protection, economic sustainability, national security and international stability.” The petition, found at, is one of CASSE’s primary educational tools. In addition to its signature list, CASSE has a list of endorsements from conservation organizations, and works with professional natural resources societies, such as the Ecological Society of America, to develop their own positions on economic growth. According to Shannon Pederson, CASSE Public Relations Director, “natural resources professionals will have to take a stance on economic growth. Otherwise, economic policy is left entirely to economists, corporations, and politicians, all of whom seek to maximize economic growth without understanding the perils.” The End of Cheap Oil, June 17
- 2005
means the
end of our current economy& the life style it supports, specifically the end of the suburbia life style. The Canadian documentary ** The End of Suburbia ** Will be shown - Free Admission June 29 - Wed. - 7 pm at the Unitarian Congregation of South Peel 84 South Service Rd. (just east of Hurontario Str.) and presenting the model for a New Urban Development Economy and Continuous Communities, that can deal with many of the problems coming our way. A must see for anyone under 30! To discover the more please visit If you or (hopefully) a group would like to view the documentary June 10
- 2005
End of
Suburbiaand discover how the Canadian, if not the world, economy that is geared to the suburbia life style, that will soon be coming to an end, then please contact us . Does it mean the end to places like Mississauga? Another victory ! June 10
- 2005
The proposed Natural Gas
Power Plant in the Cawthra areawill not go ahead! BUT one very close by is still planed - what is it (or who) about Mississauga that said dump on us? Even the Globe and Mail is warning us that using Natural gas to generate our electricity is unwise May 29
- 2005
the premier of Ontario explaining to voters that the province can't
build a Kyoto friendly gas plant
to replace the doomed coal
because Alberta needs the clean fuel to make oil for American SUVs."French draining of a wetlands by an underground large pipe May 19
- 2005
the Cawthra wetlands & surrounding community towards the C.N. Rail road tracks as noted in the Culham Brief The Bob Hunter Tribute Book & Memorial to Community Heroes & Eco-Warriors May 17
- 2005
This section of web-pages is set-up
to HONOUR those who stood while most sat down, Click here to open this book of remembrance. "The End of Suburbia" and the economy that supports it & The Solution to it A New Urban Development Economy May 17
- 2005
COMMUNITIES **** !!!!!!! It is also about JOBS FOR LIFE !!!!!!! Main stream media is now loudly warning us that this is to
be taken VERY seriously! The Applewood Ratepayers May 17
- 2005
are fighting the planned EPCOR Natural
gas power plantthat puts the Cawthra Bush right in the environmental study area. Visit their web-site and help out if you can. Citizens
against EPCOR in More about what the Friends of
the Cawthra Bush are doing to help. endanger supplies, create shortages & drive prices up? May 17
- 2005
???? Will it lead to drilling in the Arctic ????
letter to Tim Peterson MPP about Natural gas supplies.
Oct. 31 - 2004
well, here is proof that even Canadian Cities do it. YES, Canadian politicians can be secretly out to get you or a group that opposes them. SABRINA the Northern Flying-Squirrel Fights to Stay in Canada.
Oct. 15 - 2004
Ontario Municipal Board & The Culham Brief
Oct. 8 - 2004
Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) precedent - setting Hearing. Do you want to legalize
Scandalous or Corrupt conduct
Or are you SICK of Scandal and Injustice
at taxpayers expense?
We need you
to judge, those who would judge us!
Other Ontarian's letters about OMB members. SHOCKING - SHAMEFUL !!!! NEW DEVELOPMENT !!!!! July
5 - 2004
As Canadians we own it to her and our Democracy, to carry on and E-mail all those we could help and contact the media, to encourage them to report this. This that should not be allowed! It was communicated to Therese
that it is the Mayor - Hazel McCallion -
is telling the developer to unleash the legal
dogs upon those who exercise their Democratic rights and
their feeling about how a developer is conducting their business in
When is a deal to save rare trees - not a deal? June
20 - 2004
You should read this and be shocked how honest people who try and work within the system, for the good of the community can get so badly deceived and screwed, while trying to do the right thing. Legal
Loophole Drives Sewer Through Tree Preservation Area
The Draining of the Cawthra (Bush) Wetlands by a Very Large Watermain Trench June
20 - 2004
The Culham Trail becomes the Culham Creek and a fine place to canoe! June
20 - 2004
The Mississauga City Council - Mar. 31-04 - Meeting The re-Zoning from HELL! Apr.
26 - 2004
Cawthra Bush that was very wrong indeed. It included; * Allowing for a commercial school or academy for the performing arts, within 200 feet of the only breeding pond for Jefferson Salamanders, a threaten species (for both Ontario and Canada) likley left in Mississauga and maybe the Region of Peel. * Not providing all the documents to the Credit Valley Conservation involved in this matter. * Not involving the Ministry of Natural Resources MNR, as there was a threatened species on site. * Stating the City's intends to fill-in the wells in the Cawthra Bush that have been used to measure water table levels. * The City Planner refuses to provide the documents regarding this zoning even I stood right in front of her at the Planning counter, contrary to the City posted notice. ***************************** Just to note a few things wrong with this zoning process. The meeting itself was even worse! In fact the Mayor even told the Ward Councillor not to speak! & More here. Lists of Elected Officals - over the years for; Apr.
24 - 2004
of Mississauga City
Of Mississauga
14 - 2004
The Positive Benefits of Urban and Forest in General to the Surrounding Human Community Apr.
14 - 2004
and other interesting effects. DEATH'S BOUNTIFUL BANQUET Apr.
14 - 2004
The Negative Impacts on the Environment by Human and Urban Development Apr.
12 - 2004
The City is again trying to inappropriately Rezone the Cawthra Bush & decommission or destroy Cawthra's wells Mar.
25 - 2004
the local water table or studying the hydrology. Also proof the City is deceving us when it says it will do a "detailed inventory of herptile population and continued seasonal monitoring of population levels," Ontario Municipal Board - OMB Feb.
29 - 2004
And Member Position Description D.J. Culham the OMB Member (Ex-City of Mississauga Councillor) who heard the Northmount case is in a Conflict of Interest or has a Bias as the judge for this matter. Feb.
21 - 2004
about this issue and it will be followed up with a far more detailed one. Of all the people who could have heard this matter he was the absolutely the worse choice AND when you read the full list of reasons, you will likely agree. But then the Mayor was acting like the fix was already in and when it come to her getting her way, the law is not a barrier. For more on the McCallion methods, here & here. Mississauga News - Letter to Editor - Feb. 11-04 Feb.
21 - 2004
and poses the question it is a good business decision on the part of the City to eliminate "mature" communities, as it will profit greatly but should the City be treating our homes and communities as its assets? Moldenhauer Development's plans show Feb.
21 - 2004
BESIDE THE GARBAGE! We are being told that these townhouses
be high class and quality
21 - 2004
and claims the City's environmental committee all resigned because of me! Does our
Mayor know the Fix Is In at the Ontario Municipal Broad (OMB)?
So speaks the Queen of Urban Sprawl, another sound clip there.The Mayor lets the cat out of the bag as to how the City is going to get rid of established "mature" communities' ( here & here ), that are not earning the City enough money and have no one important, to the City, in them.It called - RUNNING THE CITY LIKE A BUSINESS - and what the Mayor is all about. The Great Irony in all this is, the Friends of the Cawthra Bush got started as the City wanted to cut down the "mature" Trees in the Cawthra Bush (then the rest of the City), to make money for the City coffers. Now we are trying to save peoples homes & property in "mature" Communities, from being treated the same way, by the City's axe lady! Is there no end the Queen of Urban Sprawl's mad lust for money? Feb. 4th, Public meeting Feb.
18 - 2004
The Mayor comes out and tells us how it is going to be. Developers matter more to the City then taxpayers, the community they work so hard to create or the Cawthra Bush. Homeowners & Taxpayers shout back you are not listening to us!!! Paul Szabo Jan.
29 - 2004
has written 2 letters in our support and that noted how unjustly we have been treated. His Jan. 12th letter - His Jan. 27th letter Read on to find out the full extent of his assistance! The January Newsletter Jan.
29 - 2004
both the Northmount community & the Cawthra Bush. Notice
of meetings
Petition Is the City's latest notice of a public meeting Jan.
29 - 2004
Your community is to be ELIMINATED by order of City Council, says developer. Dec.
1 - 2003
Call the OMB planner Katherine
Kirzati 416 326-6796 for more details.
Unlawful methods Dec.
1 - 2003
to endanger a Provincially Significant Wetland Complex, habitat for the Jefferson Salamander and eliminate the community that has protected it. INDEX OF THE Nov.
23 - 2003
ELIMINATION - DEVELOPMENT & Northmount Rezoning Maps This section will detail items
relating to the Northmount Ave., rezoning, zoning in that area, in
and how it will, in time, eliminate the existing existing human
and the Cawthra Bush.
17 - 2003
Your help in attending and speaking up, that the developer plans are far too much for the Cawthra community and will lead to more and more townhouse subdivisions bombs being dropped. This will destroy the Cawthra Bush!!! Please contact me if you can help, in any way. The City
claims to be against this but without public out-cry little will
we can make a difference.
17 - 2003
but not all that explain them. You still have surf around a bit. A-R-I-S Nov.
8 - 2003
The City's computerized file management system. The key to all the City's files and its politicians & staff's dirty secrets. What's more - This method can be used at almost any government office to access its file! ORDER Nov.
7 - 2003
Important or key IPC Orders. That have been posted for a
but due to a space in their file names some were showing as a broken
- that no one told me about.
6 - 2003
To discover something so new it deserves to be mentioned in a scientific journal or written up in a report. In the past I have found the Jefferson Salamanders, the Fairy shrimp and the Chimney Building Crayfish, in the Cawthra Bush. Important, yes but now there is recognition of something more important as it deals with the habitat requirements of Jefferson Salamanders, necessary for designing proper conservation plans. Natalie Helferty is a n amphibian biologist & natural heritage ecologist with expertise regarding the Jefferson Salamander and actively involved in protecting the habitat of this endangered species within the Jefferson forest in Richmond Hill on the Oak Ridges Moraine. She has written a report for Save the Rouge System Inc. and the City of Toronto, calledat It is a 71 page report, on page 18 & 19 is reference to what I have both observed and supplied two pictures of, Jefferson Salamanders nesting/denning communally. On page 60, References, it states "Barber, Don. 2000. Friends of the Cawthra Bush. Personal Communication." It is very rare for a grassroots group to be honoured so but we earned it. INVESTIGATION REPORT I95-091M Nov.
6 - 2003
"personal information", that is a No-No & the IPC ruled against the City.
& the IPC ruled against the City. I was winning this struggle but it only made the City fight dirty The Canadian Environmental Law Association (CELA) Nov.
6 - 2003
the Information and Privacy Commissioner Office but it is in writing. "We
submit that this claim, on the part of the City,
6 - 2003
to all City staff, Blacklisting me from getting services at City hall. Including talking to an elected official! The City's FOI Co-ordinator claims the Information and Privacy Commissioner/Ontario ordered her to do it. Or was it the Devil??? Or was it Hazel McCallion??? A Compliance Complaint Against Region of Peel Ministry of Natural Resources & City of Mississauga Nov.
6 - 2003
Have been caught forwarding my FOI requests to the City of Mississauga. I say it is improper and is the City running a unlawful personal information bank that tracks the FOI requests made outside the City? ??? Is this BIG SISTER watching us by way of FOI requests ??? Request for special reconsideration TO The Information and Privacy Commissioner/Ontario Ann Cavoukian Nov.
6 - 2003
So further damage to our Democracy and its supporters will not occur. Freedom of Information Petition Sept.
23 - 2003
during the Green Party's Leaders visit - Sept. 22-03. Stripping Canadians of Our Democratic & Human Rights! How far will this go? Will you be next? Sept.
7 - 2003
7 - 2003
Jefferson salamanders in Ontario. That responsibility cannot be taken lightly." This
the Jefferson Salamanders!
Oct. 15 - 2002 V.4 N.1, Oct. - 2002
- What you can do to help
& upcoming important dates. Oct. 17, 23 & 24.
An article about the Cawthra Bush & our work, has been printed in the Sept.
23 - 2002
[The newsletter of the Adopt-A-Pond,
Wetland Conservation Programme,
Sorry that this web-site has not
been fully updated with all the details and pictures from this springs
Vernal pond work.
The article
Christie & The Vernalis Project
7 - 2002
details about the all that lives in the Cawthra Bush More updates in the matter of a City of Mississauga and its staff making false statements. This also involves a Freedom of Information (FOI) request made to the City. Mar.
30 - 2002
"Complaint and Analysis of Commissioner's Response" and "How did the City Commissioner make false statements before a formal tribunal?" As well as. The response to the false written statements of Mississauga Commissioner before a tribunal of the Association of Professional Engineers of Ontario (PEO).
3 - 2002
PUBIC MEETINGS AND EVENTS, etc., BY THE FRIENDS OF THE CAWTHRA BUSH Something this web-site has needed for a long time. ![]() Mar.
1 - 2002
Chair of the COMMITTEE ON THE STATUS OF ENDANGERED WILDLIFE IN CANADA (COSEWIC), Writes to us about the Federal ranking of the Jefferson Salamander. Clayton C. Ruby - Barrister - Feb.
5 - 2002
wrote a letter in our defence! For years the City has harassed our members and there was little we could do as the police were becoming the weapon of choice by the City, against us. Now the City is on notice that it is out of line by one of Canada's leading human rights lawyer. Also a police complaint is being dealt with in which the police filed false notes about our members peacefully getting petitions signed in a City park. We know the
takes this letter very seriously by the effort it makes to
5 - 2002
Now, proof that this part of a growing trend in Canadian politics, comes by way of a newspaper articles. Not only are we losing our right to know but a corner stone of democracy itself! The Urban Amphibian Bunker Jan.
16 - 2002
Amphibian - Mole (Jefferson) Salamander & Herptile in General Habitat Creation and Protection, in Urban/Park Forests/Wetlands. This a discussion page about what
can or could be done, not just protect amphibians and their habitat but
to provide what is necessary to ensure their survival and population
16 - 2002
interesting and beautiful birds in the Cawthra Bush Includes;
by the Leader of the Green Party Ontario Nov. 10 / 2001 Jan.
10 - 2002
As well as, the City's efforts to remove the habitat that rare and threatened wildlife depend on. THE GREEN PARTY OF ONTARIO Jan.
10 - 2002
ACCESS TO CITY OF MISSISSAUGA RECORDS. CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS AN OFFICIAL FREEDOM OF INFORMATION REQUEST THAT WAS A PART OF THE GREEN PARTY'S EFFORT TO HELP MISSISSAUGANS SAVE THE CAWTHRA BUSH AND THE JEFFERSON SALAMANDERS, DENIED !! The Green Party of Ontario, has had its Freedom of Information (FOI), request denied that was presented to the City of Mississauga to discover the facts about what the City was doing to the habitat of the Jefferson Salamanders and the rare Walled Garden in the Cawthra Bush. It is hard to believe but it is true. A recognized and legitimate political party in Canada has been told by City staff they can not have access to City records they need to help Mississaugans. If that
was not unbelievable just wait to you hear the reason.
The City is claiming guilty by association
as a lawful reason. That is right, the City of Mississauga is
that it believes there is some kind of association between the Green
and the President of the FCB & Chair of the
The inquiry that is reviewing this could set a very dangerous legal
precedence. THAT THIS IS HAPPENING IN CANADA BUT IT IS !!!!!! Walled Garden Photo's Dec.
6 - 2001
At long last some pictures have been added to show the world what
happened and what Mississaugans
And more to come.
by the City of Mississauga - 1994 - Nov.
30 - 2001
This is what started it all and as the story was best told in pictures, until now there was little room to do so on this web-site. Now the disrupting pictures can be shown about how the City wrongly took chain-saws to the Cawthra Bush. The event that has made the Cawthra Bush and those who have stood up for it, so well known. And the City never admitted any errors or even said it was sorry. Right to the pictures. Nov.
30 - 2001
so lets have a web-page CELEBRATION and what better way then to start posting pictures - after all they are worth a thousand words. URGENT APPEAL TO SAVE THE SALAMANDER !!! STOP THE BAYVIEW EXTENSION !!! Oct.
31 - 2001
From Natalie
Helferty who is the biologist, who found the Jefferson salamander
Jefferson forest, that the Bayview extension is to be put thorough.
1 - 2001
CLICK HERE The public meeting is Oct. 3 - 2001 at City hall.
Lakeview Gas Conversion not as promised (Tories not keep a promise and endanger our lives because of it - sad to say that is not news) July
24 - 2001
you would like to tell the government that they should
The Provincial government has
set a deadline of Aug. 2 / 01 for
public to respond with their concerns.
21 - 2001
The City of
would have people believe that I am the only person who has a problem
the way it denies the public their right to City records under the
of Information Act. That my claim that a false affidavit being
by its FOI staff, is the only one, not so !
Canadians right to access government records is a corner stone of our democracy. In this case the IPC aids the City of Mississauga in covering up its investigation of how an employ had Hydro Mississauga trucks do their landscaping but were caught in the act and were investigated. Mr. Feyz requested "All information available to the City of Mississauga inclusive of Hydro Mississauga and Mississauga Transit on diversion of our public services for private use". Few records were found, he pushed harder and more records mysteriously were found but clearly not all. After the IPC Inquiry it was clear the IPC have again shown a bias in favor of the City of Mississauga. Mr. Feyz wrote me that the IPC is currently aiding and abetting the violation of criminal code in not pursuing a false affidavit issued by the City and it is backed by irrefutable evidence. In an Internet
Mr. Feyz has posted all the documents about this matter,
Mark Feyz has written about this in the past. ( Mr. Feyz appears to be the first to put up all documents of a Request and Appeal, that I know of - I have posted a number of my FOI documents on the web, earlier. Had to blow my horn a bit. ) July
3 - 2001
Appeals the City of Mississauga's refusal to recognize our ratepayers group. Of all the examples I present as to how the City is shutting down Taxpayers efforts at trying to form a meaningful working relationship with the City of Mississauga, this is the clearest. As you can see from the items below the City has gone on the record with some very outrageous claims. The City also takes a shot at trying to control our membership and what other groups we affiliate with. *
Ratepayers groups can't be allowed if they disagree with the
And an
special thanks to Councillor Gyles
(Ward 5), for his motion that our request for a review of City staff's
decision not to recognize our Ratepayers' group (in Ward 1), and for
City Manager to report back on it.
25 - 2001
Just as the Jefferson Salamander was being declared a Federally THREATENED species the City of Mississauga was planning how to eliminate the Jefferson Salamander from the Cawthra Bush. I led the community effort to try and stop this from happening and was in part successful. In the end, it was my call to the Ministry of Natural Resources that got the City to stop the work they were specifically, in writing, told not to do as it would remove habitat. But not before the City banned me from the property for 30 days for catching them red handed, in the Act. (or the lack of it) & CITY STAFF IN A MAJOR CONFLICT OF INTEREST May
25 - 2001
for telling the truth? Believe it. Joan
LeFeuvre, FOI Coordinator and Arthur
And now the City thinks it is
to allow persons who are on the record as bring a legal action against
me to deal with me as a part of their jobs!
Stewardship program for the Cawthra Bush May
25 - 2001
Other Green Groups The
Oakville Community Centre for Peace, Ecology & Human Rights
25 - 2001
Save The Mimico Marsh!! Brampton Greens meet on the second Sunday of every month at 3:30 at TRACKS BREW PUB This is what City staff think is funny? May
25 - 2001
An example of how City staff treat the Cawthra Bush as a joke. No
doubt because politicians have told them to be confrontational with
who defend the Cawthra Bush, (especially Mr. Barber). A Provincially Significant forest and they think it is appropriate to do chain saw carvings right where everyone will see it. Is this the lesson the City is hoping the public will learn by its example, show no respect for a community treasure, abuse it at will like a cheap toy? City staff by showing disrespect to the forest . I protested City staff's actions and it was removed but not before I got some pictures of what the City, will do. UFMAC May
25 - 2001
One thing is for sure they like to sit and just stare and forget how to speak when the Cawthra Bush comes up. Only one member could find the energy to ask questions and make intelligent comments. Apr.
17 - 2001, bit on the late side
Federally New Section - Literature Feb. 22 - 2001
This section is for all past flyers, notices, newsletters etc., put out by the FCB or CRRA or both.Check out the new, Feb.- 2001 flyer, now going out. Feb. 22 - 2001
This web-page begins to detail this unseen danger to all our lives. What can
do? What meetings can you express your concerns? Don't forget to tell them you heard about them from this web-site. ![]() ![]() Feb. 16 - 2001
This battle took place between 1989 to 1991 and why is it here? The issues of the day are still not resolved and persons who are looking out for the welfare of cats and other pets, live in fear of the City swoop down on them, to shut them down. Many people in Mississauga are very disappointed that the Burnhamthorpe Cat Shelter, with its "NO Kill policy" for cats was shut down as it was the model of efficiency. That earned it praise from all quarters. Except for certain politicians, that leaves you wondering, does she hate living things? A truly interesting study of people only trying to do the right thing and how political forces crushed them. Some say this was the beginning of the end for Councillor Dave Culham political career because of the way he tore apart the "sloppy arguments", "weird and wonderful arguments", claims of "influence with the Ward Councillor", and noted there was "no evidence" to back up City staff's claims regarding the home slipping into the valley. It is not often you can read how a Mississauga Councillor (putting it in writing), that City staff, and fellow elected officials are full of it, on all counts. Cawthra Bush from a 1988 parks manual reason for concern, even today. NEW, news articles have been added, they are the bottom of the list A new section has been added - EVENTS - so far it contains: Jan. 23/99, a protest rally was held at the entrance to the Cawthra Community Centre, during its grand opening. Sept. 6/2000 - Bob Hunter from CITY - TV comes out to cover the Cawthra Bush being declared at Provincially Significant Wetland Complex, story and City staff showed up to harass & intimidate us! The Cawthra Bush Wetlands Evaluation has been reviewed by Steve Varga (Inventory Biologist), Ministry of Natural Resources and he states "it is a Provincially Significant Wetland Complex." Click here.The City's plans call for a dry park, not a wetlands and wetlands take more effort to keep a wetland. If the public didn't fight so hard for a wetlands evaluation, petition and letters, it would never been done. In the words of David Culham, ex-City Councillor, to me about the wetlands evaluation, "I think you are to be commended because it is your efforts that made that happen".That is right the residents have been right all along in saying the Cawthra Bush is a wetlands deserving the highest level of environmental protection and the City, along with its Urban Forest Management Advisory Committee (UFMAC) (experts from the community that the City selected and who are on the record saying no to a wetlands evaluation), have not only been in the wrong for years but at great cost to the tax payers as well! The City and UFMAC were very much in the wrong at the Dec. 29/99 meeting where they approved a forest management plan for the Cawthra Bush, that didn't call any parts of the Cawthra Bush a wetlands. Very much in the wrong to withhold from the public, before the meeting, the draft results of the wetlands evaluation, as a wetlands/forest is managed in a very different way from a dry forest. And the Friends of the Cawthra Bush are right to appeal the City's forest management plans. The wetlands evaluation is still lacking in some ways, it was done in a drought years after a couple of drought years but a wetlands evaluation is not a closed document we can study the forest to find significant species not found in the City funded evaluation, to further increase Cawthra Bush's environmental significance's. The evaluation lists a total of 3 visits to the Cawthra Bush for a total of 12 hours of study on site! I am sure the Friends of the Cawthra Bush can do better. It also notes that there are 12 individual wetland sites in the Cawthra Bush complex none are 2 ha in size, the smallest allowed by the provincially guide lines for a wetlands but as they are throughout the forest and come to total of 6.75 ha, we still made it as a wetlands complex. The full understanding of this report will take some time. Any way there is a membership drive on, if you would like to be apart of this success story, let me know, it is only $10 and we really need it as the City will soon be coming at us with rezoning and a master plan for the Cawthra Bush. After almost 6 years the City forces the Cawthra Bush Management Plans past public opposition! Dec. 15/99 the Cawthra management plans were approved by City Council. It is clear that politics not reason rules at City hall and some of this is noted in my letter about the events of that day (our Mayor not allowing a Councillor to express his opinion). We are not defeated!!!! Our group will remain active in the community, and as promised and today, Jan. 23 - 2000 a public protest was held at the entrance to the Cawthra Community Centre, as its grand opening was being held. The Mayor and our Councillor (Carmen Corbasson for Ward 1), were very aware of both our presence and that we are not going away. In the middle of a Canadian winter more then 20 Mississaugans came out to hold signs and hand out flyers. The horn honking support made the 2 hours on the sidewalk, fun! We are all were very happy for the support received. I will soon be publishing my report on the last 6 years and provide details on how our "government" deals with people trying to save salamanders and our democratic rights. If you want a copy please make sure to e-mail me your address. May the 4/2000
PLEASE take the time to become a paying member!
**** ANNOUNCEMENTS **** an online PETITION/FORM LETTER. Now you can give support to this worthy cause, read our latest fact sheet and action plan! UFMAC - the City created committee to save the Cawthra Bush or is it a rubber stamp to aiding the City of Mississauga in destroying the Cawthra Bush for future development. The Cawthra Ratepayers' and Residents' Association has formed. It is a local ratepayers and residents group whose main focus is to save the Cawthra Bush.
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