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Scanned or retyped copy.  If there are errors, please e-mail me with corrections:
Opening comments:  More at the end.

    This notice is to the public to attend meeting and provide input, as the Planning Act calls for but the notice is not in a reasonable time.  It is dated Jan. 21, which is 2 weeks from the meeting date of Feb. 4, but it was not mailed till Jan. 22 (Thur.) and not received till Jan. 26 (Mon.)!  5 days less then 2 weeks notice.

    Again the City cannot put a notice out in a reasonable length of time.  What is more damming is that this meeting has been called as Paul Szabo M.P., brought it to the City's attention at the last meeting (Jan. 12), that the City was not giving residents proper notice of meetings.  And what does the City do immediately?  The very same thing.

    The City stated it would have another meeting Jan. 12, - 10 days before mailing out the notices.  How hard can it be to book a room at one of the City's own facilities, for a meeting and write a letter about it?  Maybe the City does not want people to attend.

    At the Jan. 12th, meeting people found their voices and said NO, to developer and City plans.  The fewer attending the better, as far as the City is concerned.  The City, like most governments will say those who did not come and say otherwise agreed with the City.

    This notice may have been signed by the Ward 1, Councillor, Carmen Corbasson but the wording is more in keeping of another author, a City lawyer.  The repeated use of "Please be advised", is the give away, not something a politician would say, while trying to seem friendly to voters.

    Does this notice not sound a bit like a THREATENING LETTER?  "Please be advised that Mayor McCallion is planning on attending this meeting", why was this added?  To impress someone no doubt or could there be a darker reasons?   This notice also says, "The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the site plan details associated with the development such as amenity space, landscaping and building elevations. Your attendance and comments at the meeting are appreciated and encouraged. Those who wish to comment on the merits of the Official Plan Amendment and Rezoning applications should be prepared to raise their concerns at the OMB hearing. A special evening session has been set aside for the public on February 10th, 2004 at 7:00 p.m., at the Mississauga Civic Centre, Municipal Hearing Room, 2nd floor. Please be advised that since this matter is before the OMB, it is the Board who will decide if the proposed applications are acceptable."  The intent is clear to limit and end the right of the public to oppose the City's support of this plan and how Democratic is that?  Watch out, Hazel will be there and she will give you a verbal spanking as she explains things to you or worse!

    The fact that Hazel McCallion is personal gong to show up and force this issue past local opposition is clearly exceptional.  Does this not show she does not trust the Ward 1 Councillor (an ex-City secretary), with job of bring in the developers money?  A vote of non-confidence, yes?  After the Ward 1, Councillor said taxes would be going up due to this development (letting the cat out of bag), who could blame Hazel for thinking Carmen is not capable of the job of serving developers, to fill the City's bank account.

    There is also the issue of our Mayor taking this matter personally and her dislike for me inferring with what should be a politicians better judgement, avoid situations where the public can easily see a personally conflict being played out and the politician abusing the power of government for their own personal gratification.  It will not necessarily required that  Hazel publicly give direction to events, you can be assured that others will claim it was their decision to take action against me.  That is how these things work but Hazel will be there to see and enjoy her handy work.  Time will tell.

    Given the wording in the notice and the Mayor's personal involvement, would not my interpretation of events make the most sense, that it is all about money for the City and the elimination of the Northmount community, which in time will eliminate the Cawthra Bush?
That the City see taxpayers homes and lands as City assets to be used or liquidated as the City sees fit, just as a business would.  After all, that is what running a City like a business is all about, making money with whatever is under its control (your home, property and community), any way it can.  Just as in a business, the workers that made the business strong can just as easily be eliminated, like homeowners who's community is not making the City enough money.
Two things are for sure;
1).    That Mississauga is  "The Corporation of the City of Mississauga".
2).    That our Mayor, Hazel McCallion can be quote as running Mississauga as a
         business and that she is a business person.

Underlining added to notice.

Carmen Corbasson
Councillor, Ward 1

City of Mississauga                                    Leading today for tomorrow
300 City Centre Drive

Tel: (905)896-5100
FAX: (905) 896-5463

January 21st, 2004

RE:  1619,1623 & 1635 Northmount Avenue and Lots 15 and 16, R.P. 308
          Official Plan Amendment and Rezoning Applications under
          file OZ 02/023 W1  Ontario Municipal Board
          Appeal - L. Smith in Trust for  Moldenhauer Developments Limited

Dear Resident:

Please be advised that the applications for Official Plan Amendment and Rezoning to permit five freehold detached dwellings and 30 condominium row dwellings on the above-noted lands have been appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) with the hearing scheduled to commence on  February 9th, 2004 at 10:00 a.m., at the Mississauga Civic Centre, Municipal Hearing Room, 2 nd floor.

The applicant, Moldenhauer Developments Limited, has submitted revisions to the proposed development which include, but are not limited to, the addition of an on-site amenity space and on building elevation changes. As part of City Council's commitment to ensure that interested residents are kept informed of the proposed revisions prior to the commencement of the Ontario Municipal Board hearing, a community meeting will be held on Wednesday February 4th, 2004 at the Mississauga Senior's Centre, Olga Tyne Auditorium, 1389 Cawthra Road at 7:00 p.m., to outline the proposed amendments. Please be advised that Mayor McCallion is planning on attending this meeting.

The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the site plan details associated with the development such as amenity space, landscaping and building elevations. Your attendance and comments at the meeting are appreciated and encouraged. Those who wish to comment on the merits of the Official Plan Amendment and Rezoning applications should be prepared to raise their concerns at the OMB hearing. A special evening session has been set aside for the public on February 10th, 2004 at 7:00 p.m., at the Mississauga Civic Centre, Municipal Hearing Room, 2nd floor. Please be advised that since this matter is before the OMB, it is the Board who will decide if the proposed applications are acceptable.

... continued/

- 2 -

 For further information please contact Paulina Mikicich, Development Planner, Development and Design Division, Planning and Building Department at (905) 896-5752.


(& signed by her)

Carmen Corbasson Councillor  Ward I

     c.   Mayor McCallion
            M. Moldenhauer
            M. Flynn-Guglietti
            S. Arbuckle, P.E.I.L.
            0. Fatigati, Legal Services
            S. Jakaitis, Transportation and Works Department
            R. Poitras, Development and Design Division
            P. Mikicich, Development and Design Division
            E. Nicolucci, Development and Design Division
            J. Darragh, Development and Design Division

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