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Greater  Mississauga  Area

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Scanned or retyped copy.  If there are errors, please e-mail me with corrections:
Opening comments:  More at the end.

Many thanks to Paul Szabo, his help was truly needed!  His effort got us the next meeting Feb. 4, and he has help us significntaly in the mailing for the next 2 meetings.
His Jan. 27-04, letter.
Our Jan. Newsletter.

Give him a call!  See what you can do to help him as he does need your help to.  It would be a shame to lose such an advocate but that could very well happen in the near future.  Mr. Szabo is being challenged to be the Liberal (Federal), candidate for Mississauga South in the next election.  The challenge is a serious one and I strongly recommend you to consider helping someone who is helping us in our time of need.

     The local Liberal (Federal), Association will be having a nomination meeting sometime in the next few weeks.  If you would like to have a vote as to who would be the Liberal candidate, you should join quickly, so you can vote at the nomination meeting.  Mr. Szabo's office number is (905) 822-2111 and let them know how you heard of this.

    Some may say I am being partisan but I have always tried to return the favor of those who have helped us, as best I reasonable can.  Remember, this is not about how you vote in a public election but the QUALITY of the candidates in it.

January 12, 2004

Chair and Members of the Planning and
Development Committee
City of Mississauga
300 City Centre Drive
Mississauga, Ontario
L5B 3C1

Re:      O.M.B. File No.: Z0300470030067 O.M.B. Case No.: PL030312
             L. Smith, In Trust (Moldenhauer Developments Ltd.)
             Land Location: 1619,1623 and 1635 Northmount Avenue
             File: LA.19 151.(OZ 02/023 NM

Dear Members:

In regard to the above mentioned file, which is on your agenda for January 12, 2004 at 7:00 p.m., I have been contacted by the residents of three homes in the area in question. It is not my intention, at this time, to make an
intervention on the merits of the development application, but rather to bring to your attention a matter of process which I believe could be prejudicial to the appropriate consideration of the matter.

I understand that a direction had been given to the developer to provide an updated site and elevation plan and that interested parties would have an opportunity to make comment to your committee. Unfortunately, it appears that the requested update was not received by the City until late last week and was not available to the residents until today.

I believe that it is vital to ensure the integrity of the process and to provide all interested parties with a reasonable opportunity to consider the important new information from the developer.Accordingly, I respectfully request that the Committee consider deferring this matter until your next meeting. As the scheduled O.M.B. proceeding is not until February 9, 2004, a deferral would not, in my view, disrupt the time line for this application.

        (Signed by Mr. P. Szabo)
        Paul Szabo, C.A., M.P.

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