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The Burnhamthorpe Cat Shelter;


This web-site will updated in the future.  If you would like to be notified of updates (and this page will be greatly added to),  please send me an e-mail to get on the update list:

As this is a large work, in progress, much of the detail work, the comments regarding the material post on this web-site, that will ease comprehension, will have to wait.

I would like to thank the volunteers who helped me put this web-site together, retyped news articles and those you supplied the historical material that recorded this most interesting issue.

Boingdragon Counters
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The Cat Sanctuary on the Bird estate, that and other details of this struggle are not made up.  The way that the City and certain politicians, fought against those who were performing to the highest standard of humane treatment and care for animals, clearly shows where their hearts and mind are.  An important point, if you are thinking of becoming involved in animal issues in Mississauga, as the politicians responsible for this disgraceful episode are still in office.  Learn from history.

Some point form notes:

- Were the Stevenses or Lois (The Cat Lady), overboard animal lover?  You know the kind, can't have enough cats or dogs to the point they can not look after them?  NO.  Before people started to dumping loads of cats (kittens mostly), suddenly on them, a cat and dog was just fine thank you very much. They had a big house, there was a big need and lots of people to help fill it up.


*    It cost them their marriage.  They had married in 1983 and the divorce was started in 1991.  The stress of dealing with unreasonable politicians was too much.  Especially the humiliation heaped on Brain Stevens, who attended all the meetings and spoke at most.  He is educated man, an engineer, who appealed to Mississauga politicians with reason and got abuse in return.

*    Their privacy.  In fall 1983 cats, mostly kittens started to show up, in one case a bag of kittens was thrown off the Burnhamthorpe bridge.  1986 the work on the Cattery had begun.  An inquire was made to the City if such a building could be built and no problem was the answer.  From the fall of 1983 on more and more people showed up with cats or to adopt them.  Then when the City put the spot light on them, it was a near endless parade through their home.  Public speaking and if it was in front of our politicians, it would likely be abusive.  Like most people, the Stevens were not public people by nature.

*    The Stevenses sunk more then $40,000 of their own money into the repair and up keep of a City rental home.

*     More then $7,000 on a lawyer to defend the City's action that the City abandoned.


*     The City went against its own policy to not enforce by-laws unless there was a complaint.

*    The City first claimed it would take many tens of thousands to repair the Bird house to bring it up to City standards.  Then it was only $8,000 for repairs that the City had to do, were they done?  NO.  What work was done, was done by the Stevens and in one case, the repair to the garage was paid for by the City after a Stevens family member did the work.  If that work really needed to be done, to prevent the house from being condemned then why didn't the City either do the repairs or condemn the house????

 The City spent thousands on consultants to study the Stevens home (or the Bird house), more then haft what is was finally decided would make it safe to live in.  All totaled the money spent by City staff and high priced lawyers to try and remove the Stevens could easily have repaired the Bird house.  The house was safe, the City was just making up (lying) stories to fool people.   The City can't come out and said it was wrong after the studies, so the story became, the city was going to tear it down away.  What a brainless waste of money.  Mississauga City hall loves to carry on about how financially responsible the City is but here the City is saying the house has to come down no matter what.  As the consultants said the home was in good shape, contradicting City staff, the City had to come up with a new reason to stop the Stevens from running a cat shelter.  The City claimed they need the house demolished as they were going to build a Public Gardens.  To this day they have not even got a plan for the Public Garden and one of the reasons for the delay, was concern over the deer in the area.

In all this time the City has lost the services of the Stevens and their supports in dealing with homeless cats and the years of rent money the Stevens' were paying.  This is financial responsible?

*    It was reported in the newspapers, time and time again that the City was going to help this family relocate, did the City?  Lois Stevens was left without a husband, next to nothing in the way of money and no help from the City for a place to live!!   Hazel did what many men have done to unwanted wives in the past, kick them into the street to fend for themselves, with nothing.  If it was not for Lois's friends (and her own hard work), putting on a fund raising Bingo, she would not have not been able to afford a place to move into.

*    Is there a new shelter to replace the Cattery?  NO, of course not, that was just a Hazel political promise, designed to fool people into not supporting this issue.


*     Mississaugans saw that there was no end of money to be spent on stopping the efforts of good SAMARITANS but none for justice.

*    Hazel was one of the first female politicians and one who was very keen to try and prove the myth that women are naturally better managers then men, as they can resolve problems without conflict or argument.  To this day she measures her success by hiding disagreement to fool people into thinking her form of government is better.  In fact it can be said her self worth is tied to always presenting the image of an ordered government without  fighting, to the public.  Hazel's better way and her place in history.  So Hazel wants more then anything else to perpetuate this illusion, that her, female methods, make her better at problem solving and a manager.  Then David Culham starts to stand up for the constituents in his Ward and the City in general and openly disagreeing with the Boss Lady!   It is one thing to disagree with Big Boss lady but to expose her methods in details so people could learn from them???  That is a crime!!

There was another Councillor, Larry Taylor  and how by all intelligent accounts, he was shafted by Hazel for asking too many questions and not being one of Hazel's team.  The media accounts of this open conflict would last for years and Hazel doesn't forget.  Records show that in City Council our elected official were rude, abusive, insulting and often in attack mode against the members of the community when they spoke in Council chambers.  Intimidation can go along way.  Culham was a changed man after this fight, before he suddenly left politics, in 2000.  It is a sad day when even a Councillor can't fight City Hall or the person who runs City Hall.

What was shown to the world was the true face of Council.  When Mississaugans addressed Council or their elected politicians they were not met with the fine art of intellectual and reasonable debate and discussion.  No, they were subjected to attacks from a pack of predators who just didn't care how they get their way or won.  The crafty skills of a predator, wise in the ways of manipulation and deception.  And of course the insult or put down, often noted in the documents as City politicians weapon of choice.  It works wonders with those who have misplaced their trust and respect by blindly granting to politicians.  Great shock value.  Whatever the reason to get people to give up fighting, even leaving in total disgust is a acceptable victory.  Mississaugans were under the false idea they could deal with the issue without being sucked into the quicksand of politics, how wrong they were.

-    Another interesting point about this whole issue is how it played out.  City of Mississauga politicians, many of whom are still in power today, were petitioned by many very knowledgeable polite professionals and leaders in the animal care community.  By soft spoken seniors who can before City Council to reason with their elected officials.  Even the Councillor Culham, a veteran of public service and Council, was treated by fellow Councillors like the village idiot.  Councillors (Hazel's team), showed Mississaugans no respect and it was only when a lawyer was thrown in their face did they back down.

Often people say I am too assertive or confrontational to lead a group in Mississauga.  I must be so, only because I know how the City treats the public and how City Hall will misled me or dismiss our issues with falsehoods or other frivolous and vexatious reasons.  In this issue, I played no part at all, so it can't be said my methods contributed to the failure of reason or this cause.  The City of Mississauga politicians refused to listen to reason from the community, no mater how polite Mississaugans were.

The methods I am told to use, were used in the Cat Shelter issue, to little effect.  Based on this case, it appears I am being told how to fail and make it easy for politicians to sweep the issues under the rug.  To get on with something more important, like more development in Mississauga and less of Mother Nature.

- The one reason that comes up most often about the City shut down the Cat Shelter (after the Mayor appears hates animals), is that the Cat Shelter was in competition with the City animal control who were selling cats to the public.  The Cat Shelter was doing free adoptions.  The cats had all their shots, a medical exam, spay or neuter done before hand and were well looked after in the cattery.  All at no cost to the tax payers.  BUT they were in competition with a City service, that sold cats and dogs to the public!  And when the City is run like a business, who have to act like a business.     Eliminate the competition!  There is more then one way to close a Cat Shelter and in the end it was not for logical or reasonable reasons, it was just, that was the way the Mayor wanted it to be.

- Here is a rare picture taken of the Hazel McCallion and David Culham in a disagreement, taken with a special anthropomorphic lens.

- Who knows, maybe the Cat Shelter is something that Hazel is very proud of.  She proved she could destroy "do-gooders" in the community who opposed her will/rule, with only logical and reason on their side.  That she could effectively kill cats, often a pet that people care for and not lose any popularity.  Maybe she feels this was her finest hour.

Overall list of dates, documents and events

Newspaper articles
- This issue received lots of coverage over the years because so many people were involved and organizations that stood beside the Stevens' and the Cat Shelter.
- Editorials.
- Public notices in Newspapers.
- The editorials by Albert Atkins (in a different section), are truly a rare treat to read, their insight into the staged political performance that passes for just democratic process is exposed for the sham it was/is.  Well worth a read.
- Kenneth L Easton DVM - Veterinarian Extraordinary - Obituary.

- Includes letters to the Editor, letters to Government and letters to & from supporters.

Petitions & Public notices
- There are different versions.

City records
- City agenda's, minutes of meetings, reports. Includes (soon), the remarkable memo by Councilor Culham that all but calls City staff incompetent and filing a knowingly false report.

- The Cattery,  supporters  &  local wildlife of the Credit River valley.  If you have some to share, please let me know.

Due to the shear size of this issue, I have not had time to deal with the first person accounts.  So the story, for now, will be told through the documents of the day and they are quite the story tellers.

This is a work in progress, that depends on volunteers retyping and gathering records of this very interesting story - it will grow as time goes on - if you wish to help let me know.

Overall list of dates, documents and events;

Not all items have material for them, yet or will be posted on the internet.  Some dated events are from City documents and may not be entirely accurate. As this is the beginning events/details listed may not be accurate, as they could have been noted in a secondary documents.

Jul. 15, 1981
Mr. Brain Stevens sign a monthly lease for 1469 Burnhamthorpe Rd. W. with the City of Mississauga.

Council passes a By-law 457-82 dealing with property standards.

Council passed By-law 512-83 to regulate the number of kept pets in the Mississaugans homes, not more then 4, per-household.  Maybe when our Mayor was young, she was cornered by 5 cats, what do you think?

Oct. 1984
The City took over the local animal shelter from the Ontario Humane Society.

Oct. 22, 1988
Animal Health Week Exhibition - The Stevens made the slide presentation that started it all, on Responsible Pet Care, that the City of Mississauga's Animal Control Officers witnessed.

Nov. 23,  1988                    Letter
Dave Culham to Mrs. Betty Hurson - he says that he has spoken to Animal control about the Cat Shelter and they agree "there should be no problem to let this facility coexist."

Nov. 24,  1988                    Letter
Kenneth L. Eston (Veterinarian) D.V.M., D.V.P.M. to Hazel McCallion, Mayor - about By-law officers trying to shut down the Cat shelter.

Nov. 25, 1988                      Article    -     Mississauga News
Shelter in jeopardy  Culham goes to bat to help lady's cats

Dec. 29, 1988
City By-law enforcement contacts the Stevens.

Jan.    1989                         Article    -    Mississauga News
Cat shelter owner order to comply with City bylaws - It appears the Mayor personally told City By-Law to go after Cat Shelter.

Jan. 5, 1989                        Meeting
Operations and Works Committee meeting

Jan. 9, 1989   ?                    Meeting
City passed a recommendation presented from the Operations and Works Committee meeting Jan. 5.

Jan. 10, 1989                        Letter
Linda Mailer, Committee Coordinator to Mr. & Mrs. Stevens -

Jan. 10, 1989                        Letter
Mr. Howard & Mrs. Betty Hurson to City - about Cat shelter.

Jan. 11, 1989                        Meeting
Operations and Works Committee meeting ?

Jan. 20, 1989                        Letter
Betty Hurson to the Mayor -

Jan. 30, 1989
City's first dead line to get rid of her cats.

Feb. 13,  1989                        Meeting
City Council
Letters from - Mr. Howard & Mrs. Betty Hurson

Mar. 7,  1989                            Memorandum
Ian W. Scott, Commissioner of Recreation & Parks dept. to R.K. Johnston, Director of Realty Services - that a In Camera report be created to recommend demolition the dwelling at 1469 Burnhamthorpe Rd. - tell the person what the report is to say. It is very interesting that this only comes to light in a May-89 Corp. report.

Apr. 12, 1989                          Article    -    Mississauga News
Better bylaw are needed too... Animal shelter problems top Humane Society list -

Apr. 12, 1989                          Article    -    Mississauga News
Culham erupts in face of cruelty charge -

Apr. 26, 1989                        Meeting
Administration and Finance Committee meeting -

Apr. 28, 1989                        Letter
Brain Stevens to Councillor - giving reasons for reconsideration of the demolish order for their home.

Apr. 30, 1989                        Letter
Burnhamthorpe Cat Shelter, Lois Stevens to Adoptions only - need your help to get the City to reconsider and need to find homes for the cats.

May 8, 1989 Mon.                 Meeting
City Council

May 10, 1989                      Article    -    Mississauga News
Cat Shelter centre of controversy -  The Mayor "The cat shelter issue has been dealt with" and that was not the case, the Mayor also claims that it was not an effort to "eliminate you from the house" but in the end that is what it was, Council thinks they should visit the site.

May 10, 1989                      Letter to Editor    -    Mississauga News
Humane Society by R.J. Burr, President, South-Peel Branch, Ontario Humane Society - he writes about the two News articles the Mississauga News published Apr. 12/89.

May 15, 1989 Mon.            Visit by City Council
Members of Council visited 1469 Burnhamthorpe Rd. W. to inspect the property and its "major deficiencies", first hand.

May 19,  1989                        Memorandum (9 pages)
D. Culham to members of Council - RE: Bird property - Stevens Residence, he goes in to great detail why the Stevens should remain and that the report prepared by City staff is full of "weird and wonderful arguments", he made no friends with this memo but he did the right thing in standing up for those in is Ward and this issue.  A MUST READ!

May 23, 1989 Tues.                 Meeting
City Council

May 24, 1989                          Letter
L. M. McGillivary, Director, Support Services/Deputy Clerk to Mr. & Mrs. Stevens - informing them of outcome of May 23 Council meeting, that the deputations list will be repeated as they were not heard.  City putting people through the Mill call them out to meeting for nothing.

May 25, 1989                            Letter
D. Culham to Mr. & Mrs. Stevens - he encloses material.

Jun. 14, 1989                            Meeting
City Council

Jun. 16, 1989                           Article     -    Mississauga News
“Long memory” remark ignites some short fuses.
Ward 6 councillor David Culham's comment upset some of his fellow councillors and was it a threat?

Jun. 15, 1989
Notice of eviction, 120 days to leave.

Jun. 15, 1989                        Letter
L. M. McGillivary, Director, Support Services/Deputy Clerk to Mr. & Mrs. Stevens - informing them of outcome of Jun. 14 Council meeting, noting their deputation and receipt of petitions - Notice of Resolution 274-89, 120 days to leave, the house demolished and the City is to assist the Stevens in locating other accommodations.

Jun. 15, 1989                    Article     -    Toronto Star
Pair order to close shelter for stray cats.

Jun. 18, 1989                    Letter
Linda Pinizzotto to Councillor D. Lane - about the motion to demolish the Bird house, notes almost 700 people came out to Council meeting, notes the insults they got from politicians,

Jun. 18, 1989                        Letter
Betty Hurson and Husband to Councillor Pat Mullin.

Jun. 18, 1989                        Letter
Betty Hurson and Husband to Councillor Donna Lane.

Jun. 18, 1989                        Letter
Betty Hurson and Husband to Councillor Frank McKechnie.

Jun. 18, 1989                        Letter
Linda Pinizzotto to The Premier of Ontario, David Peterson & Councillor Lane - please visit the property to see it is in good shape.

Jun. 19, 1989                        Letter
Betty Hurson and Husband to Councillor Frank Dale.

Jun. 19, 1989                        Letter
Betty Hurson and Husband to Councillor Ted Southorn.

Jun. 19, 1989                           Letter
Betty Hurson to Councillor N. Iannicca

Jun. 26, 1989
City, Mr. Julian serves the Stevens, with the notice of Termination for demolition, date is Oct. 31 1989.

July 23,1989                                Article    -    Mississauga News
An article that shows great insight into the politicians at Mississauga City hall and how cut-throat they are.  Likely one of the last written by John Stewart that was so revealing.   Hazel hates for the public to see open disagreement in her City hall and she will put an end to it any way she can.  Also, from what I heard about the last time Councillor Culham stood up to the Mayor, Hazel McCallion, in public or private.

Jul. 26, 1989                                Article    -    Mississauga News
Culham rallies to support cat house cause - Councillor, mayor on opposite sides of the fence  -  Mayor tries to tell Culham stay away from rally as it would be "condoing the breaking of the City's animal control by-law" Culham stands tall to correct a wrong that has been committed by the City.

Jul. 28, 1989                        Letter
Betty Hurson to Mayor & Councillors

Aug. 1, 1989
News release from Mayor (Arthur Grannum, Executive Assistant to the Mayor), about clarifying the City's position regarding the Bird Estate. It state: "The decision to demolish was based on a staff report showing that the premises were in an unsafe and unacceptable condition."  It is important to understand that the Mayor and the Mayor's office are aware this is a falsehood, The City hired consultant and Councillor Culham have show this is a City created falsehood but still the Mayor pumps it out to the media who never challenge it.

It also talks about a new animal shelter to be built in Mississauga, along with a quote from the Mayor about the Ontario Humane Society "re-establishing a shelter".  Of course, to this day, it has not happened.

Aug. 1, 1989                        Letter
The Premier of Ontario, David Peterson to Linda Pinizzotto - about her request to stop the demolish of 1469 Burnhamthorpe Rd. W.

Aug. 16, 1989 Wed.            Meeting
City Council

Aug. 16, 1989                        Letter
Mayor, signed by Arthur Grannum to Mrs. Betty Hurson -

Aug. 18,  1989 Fri.             Editorial    -    Mississauga News
Simple problem; simple solution  - Notes how easy it is for the City to work with the Stevens and have the ideal Cat Shelter.

Aug. 18,  1989   Fri.              Article    -    Mississauga News
Bird house rally to save shelter - Cat lovers' pleas fall on deaf ears - The mayor was conveniently not present at the meeting, so the Councillors would not deal with the Cat Shelter issue, as the City would know ahead of time the Mayor would not be there, it showed no consideration to the Mississaugans who took time off work to attend this meeting, deferred till Oct. 23/89, generally more underhanded political methods noted

Aug. 18,  1989   Fri.              Article    -    Mississauga News
Big Cat Rally - Pet pals rally at meeting trying to save cat shelter.

Aug. 30, 1989                        Editorial    -    Mississauga News
City's true intent is being questioned  By Albert Atkins
- City wants out of being a land lord and talks about the early days of fight.

Sept. 6, 1989                          Article    -    Mississauga News
October 23 showdown - Cat shelter woman to ask for reprieve - Stevens not willing to just leave and their lawyer will attend the meeting; supporters will be out in full force, notes Hazel holds shelter's fate.

Sept. 6, 1989 at 2:00pm            Meeting
Operations and Works Committee meeting

Sept. 20, 1989                            Meeting
Operations and Works Committee meeting

Sept. 25, 1989                             Meeting
ACTION; recommendation OW-359-89 (a) Sept. 13/89 report on animal shelter be received for information, (b) staff keep on discussing the issues (!!! just keep on talking!!!)

 Sept. 27,  1989                  Article    -    Mississauga News
City Councillors told to go slow on animal foster home sanction - refers to Lois's shelter, but it is about all of Mississauga, yes very slow.

Oct. ??  1989                      Letter to Editor    -    Mississauga News
Best arrangement By David J. Culham, Councillor  - notes an editor Aug. 18, "Simple problem; simple solution", he generally stands up for the Stevens.

Oct. 9, 1989                            Letter
Lois Stevens to supporters - come Council to meeting and support

Oct. 18, 1989                          Editorial    -    Mississauga News
City shooting itself in the foot on shelter  By Albert Atkins
- no one complained about Lois's shelter.
"Nobody thwarts the mulish will of Hazel McCallion and escapes unscathed.  Mrs. Stevens and her husband found themselves ordered by the
City to vacate the premises, "

Oct. 23, 1989 Mon.    7:00pm or 7:30?            Meeting
City Council
This was the big meeting, the Appeal!!! - There was 800 supporters and it ran from about 8:00 to after 1:00am!  About 70% left before the vote was held and the time was wasted by the Councillors just carrying on about why they voted the way they did the first time.  Two other TV stations were there CBC and CFTO (?).

Oct. 25, 1989                            Article    -    Mississauga News
Cat house fight loses another round & Council confirms its decision to close controversial shelter (title other page) Cat house running out of lives -

Oct. 25, 1989                       Editorial    -    Mississauga News
Humane concerns only muddle issue - By Albert Atkins - The "day democracy failed to move an autocratic Mayor Hazel McCallion and her subervient city council" and that was from just the first sentence!!

Oct. 27, 1989                        Letter
Betty Hurson to Editor, Mississauga News, about Oct. 23 meeting.

Oct. 31, 1989
The day the City set for them to move out.

Nov. 1, 1989                           Editorial    -    Mississauga News
A question for the electorate to ponder  By Albert Atkins
- talks like election close.  Just after Oct. 23,  "democratic", what does it really mean, especially in Mississauga?

Nov. 1, 1989  Sat                    Article    -    Mississauga News
Cat house protest - Very short under picture (by David Burnett), of a public protest at square one

Nov. 9, 1989
Date of issuing the Demolition permit.

Nov. 12, 1989                             Letter
Lois Stevens to Betty Hurson - Thank you for your help - shows insight in how City Council and Councillors operates.

Nov. 15, 1989                             News notice    -    Mississauga News
Draft Feasibility Study for the Mississauga Public Gardens.

Nov. 16, 1989                       Letter to Editor    -    Mississauga News
Moral Dereliction By Merlin Andrew - no democracy or mercy for the Cats or Stevens -

Nov. 16, 1989                          Article    -    Mississauga News
Public gardens - by John Stewart - very short

Nov. 20, 1989
Court case in District Court of Ontario between The City of Mississauga and Stevens - date is the one it was sworn.

Jan. 15, 1990                            Letter
Betty Hurson to Mayor and members of Council - how unfairly the City enforces its by-laws.

Jan. 24, 1990                          Article    -    Mississauga News
Wild cat love story in need of purr-fect, happy ending,  Student wants people who can give tender loving care to 20 cats.

Jan. 24,  1990                        Article    -    Mississauga News
Toronto firm to handle case City hires legal big guns to remove Burnhamthorpe Car Shelter couple - people keep bring cats as the Stevens try to pack it in.

Feb. 22, 1990                          Article    -    Toronto Star
Woman facing eviction says compromise deal in city's best interest -

Feb. 23, 1990                            Article    -    ?
Court backlog causes delay & Cat shelter trail put on ice -

Apr. 4, 1990 Wed.                Article    -    Mississauga News
Cat shelter couple may get reprieve -

Apr. 9, 1990                            Article    -    Toronto Star
Gardens on Credit River endorsed - oh what a great garden it will be, that is if Mississaugans' didn't fight it so hard to stop it.

Apr. 11, 1990                          Article    -    Mississauga News
Photo of the Stevens in front of their home -

Apr. 11, 1990                         Article    -    Mississauga News
Lawyer told to seek amendments & Cat shelter settlement facing new conditions (Title on second page) Shelter settlement proposed - they want to stay 2 more years till Mr. Stevens retires

May 31, 1990                          Article    -    Toronto Star
Case of the cat lady is still unresolved -

Jan. 1991                                Letter to Editor    -    Mississauga News
A sad day By Betty Hurson.

Jan. 16, 1991                          Article    -    Mississauga News
Cat shelter couple make a deal (title page 4), Cat shelter couple make a deal to stay - they did get the right to stay till Jun 1 1991 -

Jan. 16, 1991                        Editorial    -    Mississauga News
Shelter battle proved nothing - Stevens asked for 2 years and it ended up that way and there is nothing to replace them.

******************  items without complete dates ******************

 1989                                        Letter to Editor     -    Mississauga News
 Appalled  By ? - not all there

 1989                                        Article    -    Toronto Sun
Kitty couple will get the boot - Hazel says she is a "compassionate lady but" also "iron lady" - and rust never sleeps.

 1989                                       Letter to Editor    -    Mississauga News
 'Ideal' shelter  By Fiona Cameron-Forth B.Sc. DVM on behalf of Mississauga Academy of Veterinary Medicine -- note it was also addressed to City Council

   19??                                      Editorial    -    Mississauga News
Bend the rules - Notes the Stevens have to argue their case before the Operations and Works Committee meeting, Jan 11.

   1989                                      Letter to Editor    -    Mississauga News
No democracy by Virginia Kent  -

   19??                                      Article    -    Mississauga News
New attempts to rally support & Bird house fight not over -

   19??                                      Article    -    Mississauga News
Bird estate to be demolished, City tells family to leave nest -

 1989                                         Article    -    Toronto Star
Couple operating cat shelter ignore Mississauga eviction order - just after Oct. 23,

   19??                                          Letter to Editor    -    Mississauga News? or Star?
Help sought for family of cats - she has cats and wants help.

  1989                                        Letter
Frank Dineen to supporters - come out to the Oct. 23, 1989 City Council meeting

A poster saying come out to the Oct. 23, 1989 City Council meeting.

It will make a difference!
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