Cawthra Ratepayers'
Association (CRRA)
and the
Station B Box 1504
Mississauga Ontario L4Y 4G2 -
FROM 1994 TO
1994 - 1995
- 1996 - 1997 - 1998
- 1999 - 2000 - 2001
- 2002
The Cawthra Bush is a large 22.3 hectare or 55.1 acres (and shrinking due
to City of Mississauga's activities), healthy, and diverse remnant old
growth forest/ecosystem located within the urban environment of Mississauga
at Cawthra Road and the QEW. Studies have stated that the forest
vegetation of the Cawthra Bush is notable and worth preserving and that
the plant communities provide excellent examples of mixed deciduous woodland
of Southern Ontario.
The Cawthra
Bush is one of the City's largest forest in Mississauga on table land (or
not located in a river valley), and is the third largest woodland area.
The entire woods has been owned by the City of Mississauga since 1994.
It also contains two separate watersheds and perched (raised) water tables.
The Cawthra Bush has great diversity for a forest of its size and contains
a variety of habitats: i.e. * hardwood forest * meadow groves * wetland
marshes * edge communities.
Two stand
types or forest cover exist in the Cawthra Bush. Because of logging
that took place in the 1920's in the top two-thirds of the forest, a Sugar
Maple - White Ash - Red Maple forest stand was created. Most trees
were in the 80 to 90 year old range when the City started to remove the
old trees in 1994. Those that remain are getting close to 100 years
old (or old growth). The southern bottom third goes all the way back
to the ice-age as being an uncut or undisturbed Sugar Maple - American
Beech forest stand. Some of these trees are estimated to be over
125 years old.
The Cawthra
Bush is home to many environmentally significant plant and animal species,
as well as rare and threatened species such as the Jefferson Salamander.
The site has been designated as follows:
* An Environmental
Protection Area (EPA) by the City of Mississauga.
* The Region
of Peel recognizes the woods as a Core Area of the Greenlands System in Peel.
* An Environmentally
Significant Area (ESA) by the Credit Valley
* A Regionally
Significant Area of Natural and Scientific Interest (ANSI) by
the Ministry of Natural Resources.
* A Provincially
Significant Wetlands Complex by the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR).
* The MNR
also states that the Cawthra Bush is "noteworthy for its
broadleaf swamps."
* The Cawthra
Bush has been cited by the Waterfront Regeneration Trust as the "Best representation of naturally vegetated bevelled till
along the Waterfront." The Waterfront Regeneration Trust deals
with the lake front from Burlington to
Port Hope.
The animal species that reside in
the Cawthra Bush include:
* The Jefferson
Salamander and the Committee on the Status of
endangered Wildlife In Canada (COSEWIC) declared (Nov. 2000) the
Jefferson Salamander to be a Federally Threatened Species. The
Cawthra Bush is very likely the last place in Mississauga that the
Jefferson Salamanders can be found. The Jefferson complex
salamanders or hybrids with their mixed chromosomes, are also
Jefferson Salamanders are part of a group of salamanders that are
known as mole salamanders, as they live deep in the ground in holes,
often dug by small mammals, such as moles, voles and mice. As the
presence of these animals is important to the survival of the
Salamander, it would seem logical that the City should make some
effort to study them in the Cawthra Bush. To our
knowledge, the City
has made no such effort. Does anyone out there want to the first?
Generally, the FCB & CRRA are concerned that the City has not made
specific commitments to ensure the survival of both the Jefferson
Salamanders and its habitat.
* A variety
of different bird species including the Wood Duck and Pileated
Woodpecker have been noted. Red-shouldered Hawks have
been noted
as nesting there and there is evidence of recent hunting activity by
raptors. Many different bird species use it as a stopover
point on spring
and fall migrations.
Red foxes, raccoons, skunks, black & grey squirrels, cottontail rabbits,
groundhogs, bats, and other small mammals have been observed
around the Cawthra Bush.
Reptiles include, Garter snakes and Little brown snakes.
Amphibians noted are American toads and long term local residents
remember frogs as being there as well. Cawthra is also home to
Red-backed salamanders.
Most of the listed amphibians and reptiles were not found by
government-employed consultants. They were found by efforts of the
Other species found there include Chimney building Crayfish, (the largest invertebrate in the Cawthra Bush and rare in the GTA
area), as well as Fairy Shrimp, a vernal pond species.
The diverse
ground cover includes White Trilliums and Red Trilliums that can cover
large sections of the forest floor in the spring, as well as wild Leek,
false Solomon's-seal and yellow trout lily. The ground flora shows
far less disturbance than other forests in Mississauga.
In terms of plant life, the Cawthra
Bush has:
* High native
FQI (57.67) and native mean coefficient (4.17)
* Diversity
of plant species (292 species)
* Twelve
plant species documented from this site are considered to be
rare within the City (known from 3 or fewer locations).
* Thirty-four
(34), plant species documented from this site are considered
to be uncommon within the City (known from 4 to 10 locations).
The academic
community (such as the Royal Ontario Museum, the Universities of Guelph
and Toronto, just to name a few), has written dozens of letters supporting
residents' concerns and efforts, identifying the Cawthra Bush as worthy
of the effort to save its ecosystem and wildlife. They
are posted on my web-site.
F. Maycock, Forest Ecologist at Erindale College/University of Toronto,
has stated that the Cawthra Bush is an old-growth ecosystem, which is very
rare in an urban setting and that the City refuses to recognize this fact.
Professor Maycock's interest in the Cawthra Bush goes back to 1959.
He has compared the results of his species sampling to his international
sampling of other "mesic old growth deciduous forests throughout the North
Temperate Region." He is writing a paper on this. It was found
that in terms of numbers of species, "Cawthra stood 50th in a total of
60 stands". Cawthra also has a "colder than normal microclimate",
probably due to its high water table. He noted that species normally
found further south or north are found in the Cawthra Bush or, "Cawthra
has the best of both forest worlds in Ontario - north and south."
The members
and supporters of the FCB & CRRA have, over the years, held forest
clean-ups, made presentations in local schools regarding the Cawthra Bush
and ecology, in general, lobbied hard over the years for a wetlands evaluation
(which likely would not have happened if not for public pressure), circulated
thousands of petitions, held public meetings (like the one at the Cawthra
Estate house that began this campaign and which I was elected to lead),
held fund raising events, addressed numerous City of Mississauga Council
and Region of Peel Council meetings, and even debated a City Councillor
on TV (and, by most accounts won!) There have been dozens of newspaper
articles and letters about the Cawthra issue; and Bob Hunter, the City
TV environmental reporter, has twice been out to Cawthra to cover developments.
The CBC conducted a radio interview in forest.
As the varieties
of salamanders (three kinds), threatened crayfish and fairy shrimp were
found in the Cawthra Bush by FCB members - not by the consultants paid
by government to study Cawthra's ecosystem. Concerned residents have
out-performed the City-paid consultants and City staff, to find three important
wetland species and better ways of managing the old-growth/wetlands ecosystem
that is the Cawthra Bush.
we want to save and have the Cawthra Bush managed as an old-growth/wetlands
ecosystem, natural and wildlife sanctuary and used primarily as an educational
rather than a recreational area.
In general,
a forested area like the Cawthra Bush has a great impact on the local climate
and on maintaining the quality of water, soil, and the air. The Cawthra
Bush helps provide a more pleasing summer climate and warmer winters for
the local residents by regulating the temperature. This is done by
releasing water vapour into the air through leaf transpiration and, in
turn, affecting humidity and temperature extremes. Trees act as windbreaks
and noise barriers around houses, as well as, providing privacy.
Forests filter pollutants from the air and absorb carbon dioxide while
releasing oxygen. Forests also act as reservoirs and purifiers of
groundwater and surface water. They slow down surface water runoff,
thus reducing erosion and adding to groundwater storage because of high
soil permeability. Tree roots and soils take up chemicals from the
By acting
as natural air filters, they help to limit the harmful pollution that we
breathe each day. Healthy just to look at, a forest or natural area
has been shown to have a healing and de-stressing effect. Imagine
the extra benefits of the whole functioning ecosystem. A functioning
ecosystem is both self-sustaining and a very low cost way to enrich the
community and your families' lives. Having a large stand of trees
located nearby increases the value of one's home. Because the benefits
are mostly unseen, people need to be educated. They need to know
that forests are there working for and doing their part for our community's
betterment. There are also a number of schools nearby that can use
the woods for outdoor education opportunities.
The other side
of this issue is the City of Mississauga and its actions, its plans for
the Cawthra Bush and how it treats taxpaying Mississaugans who are trying
to exercise their right to be fully informed and participate in decision-making
regarding their community.
In 1994
the City's idea of managing a forest was to log and tree farm it, as well
as changing its forest succession and ecology by using chain saws - a plan
that was to start in the Cawthra Bush and then be applied to all City forests
thus eliminating old-growth features as it goes and making sure they do
not develop. The old-growth trees, or soon to be old-growth, were
to be sold for fire wood and saw logs. This plan was approved without
public involvement or input and despite anything the City says, could still
take place, in the future, after public resistance is removed.
The Cawthra
Bush, unfortunately, is threatened and has already been heavily impacted
on and needs to be protected from further detrimental City of Mississauga
activities. This includes erecting more buildings, opening the forest
to the public as a recreation area and not protecting its environmentally
significant features, in general. It was the FCB and CRRA members
that found the most significant wildlife and lobbied for a wetlands evaluation,
both of which increased Cawthra's environmental significance and, therefore,
its protection.
On the enclosed
chronological list of events, it can be seen that the City keeps trying
to degrade the Cawthra Bush, a bit at a time, which is the traditional
political method for opening an area up to development. The above
environmental significance of the Cawthra Bush proves the City was wrong
to say the Cawthra Bush is in decline and requires the removal of hundreds
of old trees. Environmental significance affords the Cawthra Bush
its only protection; but we fear its loss, a bit at a time. Death
by a thousand cuts.
The City
has even turned down a free study by the University of Toronto to study
Cawthra's unique water table. Does this sound like a City that wants
the best for its forests and communities?
of Information requests are the very life blood of the FCB and CRRA's activities
to empower the community. It is with the facts that we go to the
public and form our evaluations of the City's plans and statements.
Freedom of Information is a key aspect of democracy, as taxpayers can't
make informed decisions unless they have all the facts. The goal
of my requests was to provide to Mississaugans, City records gained by
the Freedom of Information process, in order for them to make fully informed
decisions. The City's own documents are used in public meetings or
presented to taxpayers right in their homes.
The City
and its Mayor know that my FOI requests are for the purpose of informing/empowering
the public/taxpayers with the facts and, more often than not, opposing
City plans (as they are inadequate). They will also show that City
staff or its politicians have just plainly not told the truth. Both
the City of Mississauga and the office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner/Ontario
know that I am the leader of the FCB and CRRA and its chief researcher.
Nonetheless, they refuse to acknowledge the facts, evidently, as they would
support the right of Canadians to know what their government is really
up to.
Many FOI
requests have been made regarding the Cawthra Bush and not just to the
City of Mississauga. FOI requests have been made to the Region of
Peel and the Ministry of Natural Resources, but it is only the City of
Mississauga that gets upset with these FOI requests (to discover the facts).
At the beginning, I was warned by those who have dealt with the Mayor of
Mississauga before, that she was very abusive and did so to drive away
people who were opposing City plans. So I stepped up to take the
brunt of her abuse. After all, many FCB & CRRA supporters are
seniors. In time, I also became the most informed person in the group
as to how the City worked and the issues surrounding the Cawthra Bush.
And as the old saying goes, cut off the head and the body dies. The
City targets me to eliminate community opposition.
all public meetings, events, etc., are not listed but here is a sampling)
consulting with Mississaugans, the City of Mississauga decides to log and
tree-farm the forested areas that it owns, starting with the Cawthra Bush.
The public is enraged; and the Friends of the Cawthra Bush & Greater
Mississauga Area (FCB) is created. Later, the Cawthra Ratepayers
and Residents Association (CRRA) is formed. The City shuts out these
groups when they disagree with the City's plans. To date the CRRA
is the only ratepayers group in the history of the City of Mississauga
that is not officially recognized by the City. A pattern of personal
attacks and false allegations against members of the public, rather than
dealing with the issues, becomes the City's method of dealing with those
in opposition to its plans.
Jan. 27 - 1994
A public
meeting was held on a stormy winter night. About 20 people attended
... there was that much concern in the community. This was the City's
information meeting that was to simply tell residents about the logging
and tree-farming, because it had already been approved! Those attending
were not given the facts regarding the planned logging, nor were they shown
or told about past biological studies that pointed to just how environmentally
significant the Cawthra Bush is. The City was not allowed to make
its full presentation as those in attendance didn't believe what the City
was saying and questioned everything. At the end, the (then) Ward
Councillor stood up and said it was clear that we all agreed with City
plans. I contacted those who attended and got letters from the majority
stating they did not agree and had not expressed agreement.
The City of Mississauga
was going into the Cawthra Bush to start logging and tree farming and this
forest management was part of the unapproved Master Plan. This was
all without public input or involvement prior to approval by City Council.
This plan is to be used to log and tree farm all of Mississauga's forested
Feb. 1 - 1994
The logging
operations began in the Cawthra Bush. The City goes on to Provincial
land (as some of the Cawthra Bush was at that time), and log it without
properly informing the Province of its intentions. Logging was soon
discontinued due to the protests/concerns raised by citizens and the onset
of milder weather, after approximately half of the logging was completed.
Feb. 20 - 1994
meeting for the Friends of the Cawthra Bush & Greater Mississauga Area.
Donald Barber was given the support of some 70 people at this public meeting
held in the Cawthra Estate house, to part of the groups to present/represent
the public's concerns regarding the Cawthra Bush to City Hall. The
FCB is a reasonable and educated group who are committed to informed decision
making regarding the future of the Cawthra Bush. The FCB feels that
if the citizens are properly informed about the City's plans and the real
alternatives to them, then sound decisions can be made on the future of
the Cawthra Bush.
July 19 - 1994
The Mayor
unlawfully shuts down my legal right to access City records, by way of
the FOI Act, on behalf of the community. Hazel McCallion gave these
directions to Arthur Grannum (acting City Clerk) and Joan LeFeuvre (the
City's FOI Co-ordinator), to violate City By-law 53-91 (a By-law that removes
politicians from the FOI process), and they did so. A recording of
the Mayor stating that the records will not be provided can be heard on
my web-site. This was done in an election years and FOI requests
were not restarted till after the election and too late for the community
to get the facts about a watermain that was constructed in the winter of
In the winter
of 1995, a watermain was constructed through the eastern edge of the Cawthra
Bush as an addition to the two watermains already present in the ground
from many years before.
The Urban
Forest Management Advisory Committee (UFMAC) was formed as a result of
the questions raised by citizens during the stopping of the City's logging
of the Cawthra Bush. This Committee was formed to develop a "woodlot
management policy" for the City. It is being developed by a group
of two councillors, City staff, and five experts in their fields (ie. biology,
botany, forestry, etc.) who are supposed to be representative of the public.
However, there are no general members from the community which is usually
the case on these committees. Those who do not want their reputations
used by the City for anti-environmental actions, soon leave UFMAC.
Nov. 6 - 1995
As a result
of numerous letters to involved parties over concerns that the watermain
trench had become an underground water course and was threatening the long
term safety of the Canadian National Railway tracks, the Ontario Clear
Water Agency responded (Jeff Marshall, President and C.E.O.), that there
was now concern over water movement in the trench and action would be taken.
The FCB had documented that more than 40,000 gallons of water a day was
being drained out of the Cawthra Bush and surrounding area by the trench
in which the watermain had been installed.
May - 1996
leads the effort to stop the City's plans to deforest the entire east side
of the Cawthra Bush (the easement area). In this case, the City presented
its plans to Mississaugans saying there was no choices or alternative to
them. The FCB did the research and drafted an alternative plan which,
with the support of the community, was the one the City was made to accept.
of the east side of the Cawthra Bush was prevented by informed residents
petitioning and lobbying the City to let the forest grow back a forest
edge along the route of the newly installed watermain. The City had
said the area cleared by the watermain construction was to be mostly kept
clear of anything woody, such as trees and shrubs, forever, in case maintenance
on the pipe was needed (which, by all accounts, was very unlikely).
The City had proposed
to have an open grass field scattered with "flowers" for the attraction
of butterflies. The City wanted to take the $200,000 it was given
to reforest the construction zone and plant a butterfly garden. It
wanted the public to approve this. Public pressure forced the City
to change its plans so that a proper forest edge could grow and to recognize
trees and shrubs could grow in the easement area.
The Jefferson
Salamanders, rare amphibians, are found in the
Cawthra Bush by the FCB.
City succeeds
in framing me and limiting my FOI requests. As a bonus, the IPC rules
that the City can refuse any FOI requests the City wishes to claim are
somehow related to me. The mere claim of guilt by association is
enough; and to legalize this in Canada is an insult to democracy itself.
As we, the FCB are too poor to challenge this in courts, it stands.
This will be used to end Ontarians' rights to access records about the
Cawthra Bush and discover exactly what the Mayor of Mississauga needs to
carry out her political agenda.
July 9 - 1997
The Peel
police are sent to my home as Ward 1 Councillor, Carmen Corbasson (and
Ward 7 Councillor, Nando Iannicca), hopes to end community resistance to
City plans for the Cawthra Bush by intimidating me. Using the
FOI Act to get a copy of Peel police notes, I learned that the reason the
Peel police were at my door was because they were concerned about my "demeanour".
That's right. In the City of Mississauga, politicians send the police
to your door if they don't like your attitude! As I said before.
as the old saying goes, cut off the head and the body dies.
Dec. 10 - 1997
The City
held a public meeting to present its so-called "new" forest management
plans for the Cawthra Bush. In reality, it's just the same old plan
reworded and repackaged. Residents rejected it and turn out was good
for a winter storm night. An effort was made for a vote to be taken,
but the City refused that. Although the City will not accept and
did not record this fact in the minutes of this meeting, it does go about
changing its plans.
For the
first time the City tries to work with the FCB but it is soon discovered
that the City is wording the minutes of our meetings to claim agreement,
where there is none. An effort is made to correct the minutes but
the City refuses to meet with the FCB again. This is part of a pattern
by the City that includes threatening letters from City lawyers and the
police sent to my home, to shut out our group and the community in general,
from dealing meaningfully with the City. Because the local Councillor
and the City make no effort to deal with other members of our groups of
whom they are aware, it is clear they are inventing excuses of a defamatory
nature to avoid dealing with taxpayers who know a bad plan when they see
it and have every reason not to agree with the City as there are better
solutions. The City centres its harassment on me in the hope that
taking action against me will end the community's effort to save the Cawthra
City staff and
politicians make a point of creating records that make it appear as if
I act alone with no community support. The Ward Councillor does not
attend our public meetings and when large numbers of FCB and CRRA members
attend City meetings, the City does not note that fact in anyway.
The old saying about those who control the minutes of the meeting, control
the meeting, is taken very seriously by the City.
The newly
discovered Burrowing or Chimney Building Crayfish (the largest invertebrate
in the Cawthra Bush), is also a wetland creature and considered threatened
in the GTA. This only adds to the list as to why hydrology is a key
element at the Cawthra Bush. The City was told about the Crayfish,
but didn't even call for any details, let alone to say thank you for their
discovery. There is still the chance that there are more important
elements of the Cawthra ecosystem that are yet to be discovered.
Sept. 29 - 1998
A false
affidavit or oath is signed by Mrs. LeFeuvre (Acting Deputy City Clerk),
as a part of the planning process regarding the Cawthra Bush. I am
not the only person to make such a complaint against her. More on
my web-site. As a part of the Official Plan process, I addressed
the Planning and Development Committee on Aug. 4/98. This Committee
was made up of elected members of Council. The minutes taken didn't
factually represent the concerns expressed at the meeting. Again,
City staff created a false record of events. Joan LeFeuvre signs
an oath, that a copy of ALL written submissions are being passed on to
the approving body (the Region of Peel), as a part of the City's Official
Plan process. An official FOI request proves, ALL but mine were passed
Nov. 18 - 1998
meeting for the CRRA. A ratepayers group is formed to help save the
Cawthra Bush and to represent the community's concerns regarding the environment
in the area of the Cawthra Bush to the City of Mississauga in a more effective
and traditional fashion.
Dec. 7 - 1998
A letter
to UFMAC [#79]. It notes there are now 1,305 petitions supporting
our efforts rejecting City's plans for the Cawthra Bush; and 539 signatures
affirming that I represent their concerns to the City of Mississauga.
This is in regard to just one series of petitions. There have been
other series of petitions noting different issues.
Dec. 10 - 1998
of Peel Council meeting. The newly formed Cawthra Ratepayers' and
Residents' Association and the Friends of the Cawthra Bush and Greater
Mississauga Area, banded together to convince the Region of Peel not to
approve City planning policies for the Cawthra Bush area - a move also
supported by the Ministry of Natural Resources. This is another example
of the City not listening to the FCB & CRRA, but when other more responsible
levels of government do listen, they cannot support City plans.
July 2 - 1999
The City
refuses to recognize the CRRA and states, in writing, as their first and
foremost reason, a City policy that states, "Groups whose primary purposes,
goals and objectives are in opposition to, or in conflict with, the goals
and objectives of the City of Mississauga as disclosed and demonstrated
by its decisions, actions, plans, by-laws, policies, programs, or otherwise,
are not eligible for assistance under this program."
Aug. 26 - 1999
First General
meeting of the FCB & CRRA. A well-attended meeting of about 80
persons. Monies collected allow us to put out our largest mailing
to date and to get people out for important meetings.
Sept. 13 - 1999
UFMAC meeting.
The City was overwhelmed by the near 80 persons who attended. Since
the City didn't believe Mississaugans would stand up on this issue, they
were caught off guard. The meeting room was too small and there were
not enough chairs. City staff were falling over themselves trying
to not look bad but to no avail. The City's consultant was discredited
by the City! The Councillors suddenly felt the need to send the Plan
back to staff for rewording and in the confused debate that followed, it
took two votes do this.
Nov. 29 - 1999
meeting. The big one that was set to approve the City's forest management
plans for the Cawthra Bush. The media and the Mayor were there.
More then 100 FCB & CRRA members showed up to say "no" to City plans.
Some 30 persons from the audience had to leave their chairs and stand beside
me in support of an effort to allow me to finish my address, as UFMAC and
the Mayor were attempting to not allow this. We were successful in
that effort, but not in stopping the approval of the City's forest management
plans. This goes to show how hard Mississaugans have to fight even
for the right to simply be heard. A video tape that showed the tens
of thousands of gallons of water being drained from the forest area toward
a new subdivision and the CN tracks, was not allowed to be shown until
after the meeting. Does this sound like a City that who cares about
the facts or aiding taxpayers to become fully informed?
It should be noted
that, when one person writes a letter of protest, that letter represents
100 other people in the community who share the same view. For each
single person that had the courage to stand and challenge the government
for our group's right to be heard, means there would actually be a 1000
or more Mississaugans' for each of those persons who actually rose from
their seats to stand beside me, that night.
Nov. 30 - 1999
Cable 10 debate between Councillor D. Culham and me. The vast majority
of people who watched say I won the debate. It showed I could present
the issues in an intelligent and reasonable fashion, when given the chance.
Dec. 15 - 1999
City Council
approves its Forest Management Plan for the Cawthra Bush. I make
a presentation but don't move our Councillors with reason.
Jan. 23 - 2000
public protest was held at the entrance to the Cawthra Community
Centre when its grand opening was also being held. In the middle
of a Canadian winter, more than 20 Mississaugans came out to hold signs
and hand out flyers. Those passing by and stopping for more information
were very supportive of our efforts.
May 4 - 2000
A general
meeting of the FCB & CRRA is held and the question is put to the members,
"Where do we go from here?" It is voted on and all members agree
that we should appeal to the City to reconsider its plans for the Cawthra
Bush and to appeal the City's refusal to recognize the CRRA.
Aug. 23 - 2000
The Cawthra
Bush Wetlands Evaluation was reviewed by Steve Varga (Inventory Biologist)
for the Ministry of Natural Resources, who states, "it is a Provincially
Significant Wetland Complex." It took years of pressuring the
City but it was well worth it! After three years of drought, it was
looking bleak indeed that the Cawthra Bush would ever be declared a wetlands.
However, the Cawthra Bush came through and is found to be so significant
as to be declared Provincially significant. In the past, the FCB
has given Mr. Varga a tour of the Cawthra Bush in support of upgrading
its environmental significance.
Oct. 25 - 2000
The Halloween
"Haunted House" at the Cawthra Estate house. An annual fund-raiser
for the United Way by City staff, that the FCB & CRRA has attended
every year since it's inception in order to get petitions signed to help
save the Cawthra Bush. The vast majority of who attended were more
than happy to, not only sign, but also encourage us as we were fighting
the good fight to save the Cawthra Bush. Members of the FCB &
CRRA were threatened with arrest by the Peel police, if we did not leave
the Cawthra Bush - a public City park. Using the FOI Act to get a
copy of the police notes, it was found that serious falsehoods were made
about our activities. The fact that there was two other people, who
were with me that night, were not even noted by the police. I was
centred out as the target of their falsehoods (which were of the same nature
the City accuses me of in its efforts to portray me in a very negative
light); and a tape recording of what really happened that night, proves
this. The involvement of City staff in this is also evident.
A complaint was logged against Peel police.
Dec. 13 - 2000
City Council regarding the City's plans to destroy a heritage site, the
Walled Garden, in the Cawthra Bush and by doing also is destroying remove
some of the Jefferson Salamander's habitat. The minutes of this meeting
were changed or censored so that all reference as to the environmental
significance of the Cawthra Bush was deleted, as well as the fact that
the Jefferson Salamander had just been declared a Federally
threatened species. The City will often create a false records
to cover up its actions and create a record that makes my actions wrongfully
appear out of line. Again, the public was denied a reasonable chance
to be involved.
Mar. - 2001
The City
returned to Cawthra to continue destroying the Walled Garden. The
Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR), had told the City not to remove the
bricks that were the Jefferson Salamander's habitat. However, the
City was caught red-handed doing just that. I was banned from the
Cawthra Bush for 30 days by the City, but called the MNR and had them stop
the City from continuing the destruction.
Aug. - 2001
The Appeal
for the City to recognize the CRRA, is denied. The City now claims
that our constitution would let an unlimited number of members join the
fight to help save the Cawthra Bush. This is an example of how City
staff and bureaucrats, in general, will deliberately misinterpret what
they are presented with. This is further proof that the City is trying
to eliminate community organizations that oppose the City. Again
we have this in writing.
Aug. 21 - 2001
City refused the Leader of the Green Party of Ontario, Frank de Jong,
his FOI request regarding the Cawthra Bush. The Leader of the Green
Party was informed how the City was using an IPC ruling to legalize government
censorship and cover-up, so that other persons who made FOI requests about
the Cawthra Bush were refused for no other reason than the City need only
claim an association with me, to deny a FOI request. He undertook
submitting an FOI Request as a part of the Green Party's efforts (to aid
our community), and he too was refused. The FOI Request was regarding
the Walled Garden in order to discover the facts about how City's plans
would endanger a Federally threatened species, i.e. the Jefferson Salamander.
This FOI request clearly stated it was from the Leader of the Green Party.
Oct. - 2001
A letter
from Clayton Ruby, one of Canada's
leading Human Rights lawyers, expressing concern that the City and Peel
police acted unlawfully at last year's Halloween "Haunted House", when
members of the FCB & CRRA were threatened with arrest if they did not
leave a public park. We were simply there getting petitions signed.
Clayton Ruby's letter specifically stated that it was to be presented to
City Council so that it could go on the official record. It came
as no surprise that the City refused to let this happen. I had to
go before City Council and raise the issue. Due to threats from the
Mayor, we did not exercise our Canadian Charter Rights that year.
Jan. - 2002
was informed by the leader of the FCB & CRRA that the City planned
to go back into the Cawthra Bush to finish off the Walled Garden and Jefferson
Salamander habitat. Once the situation was explained to them, they
voted to put the City plans on hold until they could comment on them.
Proof that the City was wrong to have undertaken its attack on the Walled
Garden and the Jefferson Salamander habitat the year before. Proof
that the FCB & CRRA were in the right all along.
Feb. 25 - 2002
meeting is cancelled due to lack of quorum, as there was no City Councillor
who could attend this meeting. Circumstances similar to this have
happened in the past when the City thought it could be caught off guard
at an UFMAC meeting. The Green party was expressing the interest
to attending this UFMAC meeting and requesting that UFMAC recommend to
City Council that records regarding the Cawthra Bush and Jefferson Salamanders
be provided to it so it could review the City activities.
on this later as I was assaulted by City security guards and the
lady who was with me, a senior, cried out in shock and pain &
was hurt, a bit.
It will make a difference!
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