Roy Ivor
- the Birdman of Erindale / Mississauga
Bernice Inman-Emery
- the Bird Lady of Mississauga
Environmental Significance of the Sawmill Valley
due mostly to efforts by Roy & Bernice over 75 years.
News Articles
A key factor is the
Environmental Significance or
Environmental Protection
the Roy Ivor Woods has from development,
what kind of development is possible,
if any at all.
Province of Ontario - Ministry of Nature Resources
Natural Heritage Information
Has it listed as
both a Provincial and regional life science Area
of Natural and Scientific Interest - ANSI - (Roy Ivor’s Woodlot)
Valley Conservation Authority -
Has it listed as Environmentally Significant Area
- ESA - (Ivor’s Bird Sanctuary)
City of
Mississauga Natural Areas Survey -
Fact Sheet
Has the most details
as it combines facts from all levels of government.
Currently there are two levels of government - the
Credit Valley Conservation (CVC)
and the
Ministry of Nature Resources (MNR),
which is Provincial and by far the strongest of the two. There
could be a third added. The City of Mississauga could place a
historical designation on some part of the land or a structure.
Remember developers are looking for an easy buck not an extended
nightmare battle through the OMB and/or Courts, by multiple-levels of
government and/or an enraged community, just to put in a few homes in an
area that looks very close to a flood plain/poorly drained. So
unless there is a developer who has geared the wheels of government FAR
better then most and loves a legal challenges more then a reasonable
profit, who other then government could afford or want the headache of
buying this land?
The big question is, how much of land is covered by this protection?
Some of the fields are empty and many of the ratings are old ones.
In a case like this, the area could be reviewed and found to be no
longer up to its rating, zoning or protection - that takes time and
money. Or in the words of the Mayor Hazel McCallion, the City
zones properties.
So just because a property has a high environmental rating and is zoned
for its protection today, does not mean it will always be so. One
old trick used by the Mayor is to let the public do the dirty work.
Turn an high environmental rated forest into a park and in the words of
the Mayor "love it to death" or in the
words of her staff "pounded
it into the ground".
Now do you understand why I don't see the City as the savoir of natural
areas, only one who makes ready for developers.
The Ministry of Nature Resources (MNR), lists the
Ivor Woodlot as an Area of
Natural and Science Interest (ANSI), details below from the
Natural Heritage Information
Natural Areas Report: ROY IVOR'S WOODLOT
Area Id: 106
Area Type: ANSI-LS
Size (ha): 34.0
Significance Level:
Site District: 7E-4
Counties: PEEL Topographic
Maps: 30M/12
UTM Centroid: 17 607000 4822000
Decimal Latitude/Longitude: 43.5452761998351 -79.6753361817697
Description: Located in Erin Mills,
Mississauga, Roy Ivor's upland ravine site is dissected by Sawmill Creek and
Glen Erin Brook. The area abuts residential development on its south, east
and north sides and is dissected by a proposed road. To the west are
abandoned farmlands, proposed for development. Several trails occur
throughout the area and tree poaching and vandalism is prevalent. The
southern section consists of a series of steep ridges dominated by
semi-mature to mature white pine/hemlock/white birch while the northern
section contains gently rolling sugar maple/beech/hemlock, hemlock and sugar
maple/red oak/hemlock/white pine/ash uplands. [Hanna 1984]
Landform: The site is located on
shale plain and sand plain in the Iroquois Plain physiographic region. The
upland and ravine are dissected by Sawmill Creek and Glen Erin Brook.
[Brownell 1993]
Management Agency: Minimum
Maximum Elevation:
References Id Citation
56599 Varga, S. and K. Mewa. 1998.
List of Provincial & Regional Life Science ANSIs in the Greater Toronto
Area. Aurora District, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. 6 pp.
12289 Brownell, V.R. 1993.
Roy Ivor's Woodlot. Pp. 50, in, V.R. Brownell. 1993. Waterfront Natural
Areas - Part I: An Overview of Natural Areas along the Lake Ontario
Waterfront from Burlington to Trenton. Waterfront Regeneration Trust,
Toronto. vii + 193 pp.
4089 Hanna, R. 1984.
Life Science Areas of Natural and Scientific Interest in Site District 7-4:
A Review And Assessment of Significant Natural Areas in Site District 7-4.
OMNR, Parks and Recreational Areas Section, Central Region, Richmond Hill.
SR OFER 8404. vii + 69 pp. + folded map, illus.
3993 Ecologistics Limited. 1979.
Credit River Watershed, Environmentally Significant Areas. Credit
Valley Conservation Authority, Mississauga. vi + 207 pp.
Credit Valley
Conservation Authority
{no longer "Authority"} - CVC
There are two main documents
- the 1979 Listings of Environmentally Significant Areas (ESA's) in the Credit
River Watershed
- the 1995, ESA update report.
Remember this
evidence of how important Roy Ivor's
gift to Mississauga's
- future generations really is.
"Ivor's Bird Sanctuary is an important wooded area
within the City of Mississauga. ... The City of Mississauga Planning Department
(1976) has described Ivor's Bird Sanctuary as one of the
largest continuous tracts of woods in Mississauga."
- 1979
"Once described as the
and largest tract of continuous woods in Mississauga,
Roy Ivor Woodlot, while drastically altered, still remains
one of the city's largest forests."
- 1995
AREA (HA) - 41.93 |
UTM GRID REFERENCE - 6059 48221 |
Along Sawmill Creek from the Collegeway in the south continuing
northwest to end at Glen Erin Drive. Sawmill Creek links a number
of natural areas throughout its length including EM5, EM14, EM10 and
CRR7. The natural areas CRR6 and EM2 are located within 500 m to
the east, and southwest, respectively.
Significant Natural Site
A. Physical Features
The topography of this site varies from steep ravines to undulating
floodplain. A substantial portion of the site includes the
floodplain of Sawmill Creek. This site is dominated by deposits of
the Iroquois Sand Plain in the east and the Halton Till Plain in the
west. Northwest of Sawmill Creek the soil type is imperfectly
drained Cooksville clay loam that developed within the Halton Till.
Northeast of the creek the soil type is well drained Fox sandy loam that
developed within the Iroquois Plain. West of Erin Mills Parkway
the soil type is well drained Oneida clay loam that developed within the
Halton Till. Soil moisture at this site varies from mesic to wet.
Where the creek is not engineered with concrete and gabion baskets the
red shale bedrock of the Queenston Formation is periodically exposed.
There is year round flow in all parts of Sawmill Creek.
B. Biota
There are 258 floral species and 83 faunal species documented for this
site. Seven vegetation communities are present at this site (see
accompanying figure); red ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica)-American
elm (Ulmus americana) forest (BB) [fresh-moist lowland deciduous
forest type (FOD7-2)], white pine (Pinus strobus)- eastern
hemlock (Tsuga canadensis)-sugar maple (Acer saccharum ssp.
saccharum) forest (MM) [freshmoist hemlock coniferous forest type
(FOC3-1)], sugar maple-American beech (Fagus grandifolia) forest
(DD) [dry-fresh sugar maple - beech deciduous forest type (FOD5-2)],
sugar maple-eastern hemlock forest (GG) [dry-fresh sugar maple - hemlock
mixed forest type (FOM3-2)], wooded non-native valley land (J)
[fresh-moist willow lowland forest type (FOD7-3)], old field (C)
[dry-moist old field meadow type (CUM1-1)], and sugar maple-American
beech-eastern hemlock forest (LL) [fresh-moist sugar maple - hemlock
mixed forest type (FOM6-1)]. The red ash-American elm community is
located in the extreme south-west corner of the site. To the
northeast of this is the white pine-eastern hemlock-sugar maple forest,
then the floodplain and finally the sugar maple-American beech forest at
the south edge of the Collegeway. Northeast of the Collegeway is
the sugar maple-eastern hemlock forest within the floodplain of Sawmill
Creek. The wooded non-native valley land and old field communities
begin to dominate the floodplain to the north. Between
Burnhamthorpe Road and Erin Mills Parkway there is a small sugar
maple-beech-hemlock forest.
The red ash-American elm community is an immature
forest with an open canopy. Red ash and American elm dominate with
a dense subcanopy of common buckthorn (Rhamnus cathartica).
The disturbed understory is composed of red-osier dogwood (Cornus
stolonifera), Virginia creeper (Parthenocissus inserta),
yellow avens (Geum allepicum) and garlic mustard (Alliaria
The white pine-eastern hemlock-sugar maple forest occurs on a series of
steep ridges. This is a mature forest with trees between 80 and
117 years old, thus, qualifying as old growth in places. The trees
typically have a diameter of 54 cm and can reach 50 m in height.
The canopy dominants are white pine, eastern hemlock and sugar maple.
Associate species are red maple (A. rubrum), white birch (Betula
papyrifera) and black cherry (Prunus serotina). The
shrub layer and understory are both very diverse. Common species
include witch hazel (Hamamelis virginiana), alternate-leaved
dogwood (C. alternifolia), woodland ferns (Dryopteris spp.),
baneberry (Actaea spp.), wild ginger (Asarum canadense),
wild leek (Allium tricoccum), and trilliums (Trillium ssp.).
Good regeneration of the canopy dominants is occurring.
The sugar maple-American beech forest occurs adjacent to the
Collegeway. Mature sugar maple and American beech dominate this
closed canopy with red oak (Quercus rubra) as the associate.
The shrub layer is dense with choke cherry (P. pensylvanica).
The understory is depauperate but includes wild leek, Jack-in-the-pulpit
(Arisaema triphyllum) and false Solomon’s-seal (Maianthemum
racemosum). The trees in this forest community are 80 to 120
years old thus contain old growth elements, and are typically 48 cm
in diameter.
The sugar maple-eastern hemlock forest occurs on the rolling
floodplain of Sawmill Creek. Mature sugar maple and eastern
hemlock form a closed canopy with red oak and American beech as the
associates. The understory here is composed of meadow rue (Thalictrum
spp.), blue cohosh (Caulophyllum thalictroides), tall
buttercup (Ranunculus acris), large-leaved aster (Aster
macrophyllus), and false Solomon’s-seal. The canopy is 40 m in
height and the trees are typically 36 cm in diameter. Red oaks
reaching 112 cm in diameter and eastern hemlock reaching 79 cm in
diameter are not uncommon.
The wooded non-native valley land community also occurs along the
floodplain of Sawmill Creek. Scattered mature willow (Salix
alba) and red ash form an open canopy above a subcanopy of Manitoba
maple (A. negundo). Riverbank grape and the invasive
species garlic mustard, multiflora rose (Rosa multiflora), and
Tartarian honeysuckle (Lonicera tatarica) are prevalent in the
dense understory. The old field community occurs in scattered
locations along the edge of the site. Common species include tall
goldenrod (Solidago altissima), bird vetch (Vicia cracca),
wild carrot (Daucus carota), smooth brome (Bromus inermis ssp.
inermis), and orchard grass (Dactylis glomerata).
The sugar maple-American beech-eastern hemlock forest is located
within the floodplain of Sawmill Creek. The open canopy is
dominated by immature sugar maple, American beech, and eastern hemlock
with black walnut (Juglans nigra) as the associate. The
canopy trees in this community are also greater than 100 years old.
From the perspective of wildlife habitat, this natural area is large and
diverse, with several nodes of habitat that have a low edge-to-interior
ratio, though it is split into three parts that are separated by busy
roads (The Collegeway). There are 70 bird species, 7 mammals, 3
amphibians and 3 reptiles recorded from this site. However, during
the 2006 field visits the number and diversity of species heard within
this natural area was surprisingly low, and almost all species were
habitat generalists that utilize a variety of forest and successional
habitats within the City, such as northern cardinal, black-capped
chickadee and American robin. The exceptions to this were species
such as eastern wood-pewee, eastern screech-owl and several red-eyed
vireo, both species specific to intermediate-aged or mature forest
habitats. Three area-sensitive forest species were also noted:
white-breasted nuthatch, red-breasted nuthatch and pine warbler (the
latter two species specific to coniferous habitat, noted on the hemlock
forest slope). Also adding to the diversity
were a few species of successional habitats such as gray catbird (a
Credit Valley Conservation Species of Conservation Concern that is
common in Mississauga) and cedar waxwing. A fox cub was noted
within this natural area, indicating that foxes breed at this site.
Several other urban predators were noted, including skunk, raccoon, and
a domestic cat (seen in the narrowest portion). During the spring
and fall migration periods, the diversity of birds is expected to
increase as species utilize remnant natural areas as stopovers en route
to breeding or wintering habitat. Also, a few species such as
snowy owl and common redpoll move south in winter and may utilize
natural areas in the City. This site is extensively used by fauna
species throughout the year. Fish species that utilize Sawmill
Creek are common to the credit river watershed. Sawmill Creek is
classified as a type 2 fishery within this site.
This site currently ranges between good (southern
portion) to fair (northern portion) condition. Some of the more
common disturbances are an extensive paved formal trails, as well as an
unpaved, unplanned trail network, a mountain bike course, evidence of
bush parties, extensive trampling at the bottom of the coniferous slope,
past logging evidence, tree poaching, vandalism, erosion on valley
walls, residential encroachment, and extensive soil compaction.
Gabion baskets and concrete channelization have replaced the natural
habitat along sections of Sawmill Creek. Channel improvements are
planned along Sawmill Creek throughout this site. In 1998 work was
conducted from the Collegeway to Featherstone Drive. Recent
development has resulted in a reduction in the area of the site and
subsequent boundary revisions. A field visit in 1999 indicated
that most of the sugar maple-American beech community has been removed
on the west side and there appeared to be tree mortality in the
floodplain. The floodplain community was removed by townhouse
development prior to 2006. Invasive plant species prevalent at
this site include garlic mustard, common buckthorn, multiflora rose,
Tartarian honeysuckle, and dog-strangling vine (Vincetoxicum nigrum).
Seven-six introduced plant species are present at this site
(representing 29.46% of the total number of species present). The
native FQI value continues to increase from 55.05 in 1996 and 56.25 in
XX to its present value of 57.15. In contrast, the native mean
coefficient continues to decrease from 4.30 in 1996 and 4.26 in xx to
its present value of 4.241.
Surrounding land use is residential.
* High FQI and native mean coefficient.
* This site is designated as an Environmentally
Significant Area (Ivor’s Bird Sanctuary),
and both a provincial and regional life science Area of Natural and
Scientific Interest (Roy Ivor’s Woodlot).
* Important nesting and wintering habitat for birds.
* Butternut (Juglans cinerea) considered a
“species at risk” within the province (COSSARO) and nationally (COSEWIC)
is documented from this site.
* One species documented for this site, woodland
satin grass (Muhlenbergia sylvatica), is considered rare within
the province by the NHIC.
* Four plant species documented for this site are
considered rare within the City (known from 3 or fewer locations).
These species are: crested wood fern (Dryopteris cristata),
woodland satin grass, one-seed bur-cucumber (Sicyos angulatus)2,
and river wild-rye (Elymus riparius).
* Thirty-two plant species documented for this site
are considered uncommon within the City (known from 4 to 10 locations).
These species are: rattlesnake fern (Botrychium virginianum),
glandular wood fern (D. intermedia), interrupted fern (Osmunda
claytoniana) oak fern (Gymnocarpium dryopteris), American yew
(Taxus canadensis), tamarack (Larix laricina),
bottle-brush grass (Elymus hystrix), the sedges (Carex
intumescens, C. scoparia), starry false Solomon’s-seal (Maianthemum
stellatum), slippery elm (Ulmus rubra), long-leaved chickweed
(Stellaria longifolia), round-lobed hepatica (Anemone
americana), three-leaved toothwort (Cardamine x maxima), foam
flower (Tiarella cordifolia), swamp red currant (Ribes triste),
Saskatoon-berry (Amelanchier alnifolia), hawthorn (Crataegus
succulenta), Canada plum (Prunus nigra), barren strawberry (Waldsteinia
fragarioides), mountain maple (Acer spicatum), black ash (Fraxinus
nigra), Indian hemp (Apocynum cannabinum), Canada honeysuckle
(L. canadensis), downy arrow-wood (Viburnum rafinesquianum),
Indian tobacco (Lobelia inflata), great lobelia (Lobelia
siphilitica), American groundnut (Apios americana), pearly
everlasting (Anaphalis margaritacea), Canada honewort (Cryptotaenia
canadensis), pointed-leaved tick-trefoil (Desmodium glutinosum),
marginal fern wood (Dryopteris marginalis), and river wild-rye (Elymus
* Five resident bird species are considered species
of concern by the Credit Valley Conservation Authority. These
species are: common grackle, eastern wood-pewee, pine warbler,
red-breasted nuthatch and gray catbird.
* Large size (41.93 ha).
* Close proximity to natural areas EM2 and CRR6.
* Directly connects to natural area EM5.
* Contributes to the linkage function of Sawmill
Creek and the Credit River.
* Floodplain provides floodwater storage for Sawmill
* Diversity of plant species (258 species).
* Diversity of vegetation communities (7
* Canopy trees greater then 100 years old.
* The white pine-eastern hemlock-sugar maple forest,
the sugar maple-eastern hemlock, and the sugar maple-American
beech-eastern hemlock forest are uncommon vegetation communities within
the City.
* The City parks, Windy Hollow and the Sawmill Valley Trail, are
included within this natural area.
* This is an excellent site in the context of the City and should be a
priority for a Conservation Plan, especially in view of the recent
development that has infringed on the site.
* Exotics in some areas (i.e., the red ash-American elm forest and the
wooded non-native valley land) pose a significant threat and should be
managed. Dog-strangling vine in particular should be eliminated
through soil removal or herbicides before it becomes more widespread.
This species can spread quickly to other areas and no effective control
strategies are known for it.
* Impacts from the proximity to residential areas warrants control of
Brownell (1993)
Bruce A. Brown Associated Limited (1994)
City of Mississauga (1978b)
Construction Control Inc. (1998)
Dougan and Associates (1997b)
Ecologistics Limited (1979)
Ecoplans Limited (1988b)
Hanna (1984)
LGL Environmental Research Associates (2002)
Milus Bollenberghe Topps (1982)
Proctor & Redfern Limited (1992)
Starr Landscape Group Limited (1978)
Transportation and Works (1998) |
1 - Floristic
quality is explained in the method section (2.3).
2 - Historical
record, this species has not been documented for this site since
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