Sherway Gas Power Plant - Greenfield South
2010 - 2011 - update - Mississauga
Also visit
Ratepayers groups in Mississauga that fight power plants are
Coalition of
Homeowners for Intelligent Power - CHIP

This web-page is for the specific battle heating up in
Mississauga's east end the Sherway Power Plant - Greenfield South. If you want
to see more of the history on this web-site try -
Mississauga's - AIR POLLUTION
- 2005 Up-Date - A growing concern!
Is the future of Mississauga that of an Air Pollution Slum?
2010 - 2011 - update - Mississauga
July 28, 2011
Meeting with
Mississauga taxpayers, where they were turned way!
Aug. 5, 2011
Public Protest on all four corners of Dundas Str. &
Mattava Ave.
Sept. 15, 2011
Well attended
Residents Rally
- check out which candidates were there!
Sept. 24, 2011
The Ontario Liberals did a Phone
Town Hall Meeting to their phone list most of it was caught on my answering
machine (tape ran out).
Very important who spoke, what was said & NOT said.
Sept. 24, 2011
The Progressive Conservative
Party did a Phone Town Hall Meeting to their phone list, all of it was caught
on my answering machine and after the beeps, the recorded message that went out
Right after wards.
Sept. 28, 2011
case of election O-Z or they fooling us again? My
letter about the canceling (maybe) of the Sherway Power Plant which is currently
under construction.
Sept. 29, 2011
Mississauga taxpayers concerned about the Sherway Gas Fired Power Plant -
Greenfield South -
Hold an Election Debate - Provincial.
Sept. 29, 2011
The Ontario Liberals did another
recorded phone add, this time Liberal candidate Charles Sousa ( Labour
Minister ), & MPP for Mississauga South, personally thank us for our support in
helping to stop the Sherway Power plant & others in the area.
Oct. 4,
C-H-I-P - Coalition of
Homeowners for Intelligent Power - did a recorded phone message to their
phone list, Good old Sousa risked his job for us!
Now not going to tell you how to vote bbbbuuuttt...
Oct. 4, 2011
The Progressive Conservative
Party did a recorded phone message to their phone list, right after the CHIP
Construction shots;
Aug. 5, 2011
The first few pictures I took.
Aug. 13, 2011
Some more.
Aug. 25, 2011
Couple pictures.
On Sept., 26 (Mon), 2011
The Progressive Conservative Party did
another recorded phone add.
Sept. 26, 2011
Construction has resumed and lights are set up for 24 hours work but have
not seen it yet!
A big red
Liberal elephant
has been seen!

And the Progressive Conservative Party has staked out its spot on the issue!
Sept. 28, 2011
Construction at NIGHT has begun - the lights are on - how far will they ramp
up night work?
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