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Scanned or retyped copy, if there are errors, please e-mail me with corrections:

Opening comments - more at end.

Oct.   1989    Mississauga News  -  Letter to Editor  -   page - ?

Best arrangement

By David J. Culham - Councillor Ward 6

Dear Editor:

 Your editorial on the Stevens cat shelter "Simple problem; simple solution" (Aug. 18) is my point exactly.  Why spend $7,000 to demolish a good house when $8,000 would fix it, providing $20,600 in offsetting rent with the good work of the shelter as a bonus?  Why not let the Stevenses stay for two years until the City needs the land when our public garden plans should be completed?

 You mention a "feud," It is obvious to most that I have admired and worked closely with Mayor (Hazel) McCallion for years.  If our strong disagreement over this issue has degenerated into personalities getting in the way, then that is regrettable.  The Mayor and I met in June and I really think the personal issues were put aside.  However, positions on the issue itself had hardened by that time.  What remains is a strong disagreement over the perceptions as to the problems and solutions.

 In January I suggested that council regularize the Stevens cat shelter by motion, that we let them stay on for two years while we explore with the Ontario Humane Society and other animal welfare people the development of an animal shelter policy.  Then we would set up the budget to get a new shelter in the right place with the best policies, the best organizational structure, and importantly, the best arrangement of citizen volunteer effort. We would use this problem to frame an animal shelter program for the year 2000.

 Have I been wrong in defending the Stevenses and proposing solutions, in questioning the costs even though that questioning has reduced the cost estimates from over $200,000 to $100,000 down to $8,000?  Should I have capitulated over the legal interpretation of the bylaw when I thought them to be wrong and that council could do what you now suggest in your editorial? Should I have denied my knowledge and experience in the valley when it was suggested that the house was endangered by the slippage of the valley slope?  Should I give in to an ill-planned, ill-conceived shelter to be placed in my ward while deflecting us from the Stevenses' plight and the great potential for a long-term plan in keeping with values of volunteer efforts that both the Mayor and I share?  If you are confused as to why this problem was created and allowed to get out of control then what do you think 1989 has been for me?

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