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The Burnhamthorpe Cat Shelter;
City Records;

City records

This is a work in progress, that depends on volunteers retyping and gathering records of this very interesting story - it will grow as time goes on - if you wish to help let me know.

Jul. 15, 1981
Mr. Brain Stevens sign a monthly lease for 1469 Burnhamthorpe Rd. W. with the City of Mississauga.

Council passes a By-law 457-82 dealing with property standards.

Council passed By-law 512-83 to regulate the number of kept pets in the Mississaugans homes, not more then 4, per-household.

Oct. 1984
The City took over the local animal shelter from the Ontario Humane Society.

Dec. 29, 1988
City By-law enforcement contacts the Stevens.

Jan. 5, 1989                        Meeting
Operations and Works Committee meeting & deputations were made - the recommendation from the meeting - OW-17-89 (a), prepare a report, (b), take no action till direction from Council.

Jan. 9, 1989   ?                    Meeting
City passed a recommendation presented from the Operations and Works Committee meeting Jan. 5.

Jan. 11, 1989                        Meeting
Operations and Works Committee meeting ?

Jan. 30, 1989
City's first dead line to get rid of her cats.

Feb. 13,  1989                        Meeting
City Council
Letters from - Mr. Howard & Mrs. Betty Hurson

Mar. 7, 1989                            Memorandum
Ian W. Scott, Commissioner of Recreation & Parks dept. to R.K. Johnston, Director of Realty Services - that a In Camera report be created to recommend demolition the dwelling at 1469 Burnhamthorpe Rd. - tell the person what the report is to say. It is very interesting that this only comes to light in a May-89 Corp. report.

Apr. 26, 1989                        Meeting
Administration and Finance Committee meeting - the order to demolish 1469 Burnhamthorpe Rd. W. was pasted.  A request for a report detailing the "major deficiencies of the facility, and the estimated costs involved with rectifying the problems", was made - 5 to 3 vote to enforce their intentions.

May 8, 1989 Mon.                 Meeting
City Council
- Addendum to the Additional Agenda
- Item.# 7, Reports from Municipal Officers, R-23 Bird Estate: 1469 Burnhamthorpe Road West, says the building id unsafe, would cost $95,000 to make it so and receive the May 4/89 report for information.
LETTERS ON THE AGENDA FROM; Mr. Howard to Councillor McKechnie;
Report dated May 4 1989 (5 pages) from the City's Director of Building Services regarding the Bird Estate, as request from the Apr. 26/89 City's Administration and Finance Committee meeting.

Deferred under Resolution 206-89, to allow members of Council and staff to view the premises.

May 15, 1989 Mon.            Visit by City Council
Members of Council visited 1469 Burnhamthorpe Rd. W. to inspect the property and its "major deficiencies", first hand.

May 19, 1989                        Memorandum (9 pages)
D. Culham to members of Council - RE: Bird property - Stevens Residence, he goes in to great detail why the Stevens should remain and that the report prepared by City staff is full of "weird and wonderful arguments", he made no friends with this memo but he did the right thing in standing up for those in is Ward and this issue.

May 23, 1989 Tues.                 Meeting
City Council
- Additional Agenda
DEPUTATIONS Item.# 4 - MADE BY; Mr. Stevens; Mrs. Linda Pinizzotto; Erindale Woolands Ratepayers Association;
REPORTS FROM MUNICIPAL OFFICERS, Item.# 7 - R-23 Bird Estate: 1469 Burnhamthorpe Road West, says the building is unsafe, would cost $95,000 to make it so and receive the May 4/89 report for information.
LETTERS ON THE AGENDA FROM; Mr. Howard to Councillor McKechnie;
Report dated Apr. 12 1989 (3 pages) from the Terence L. Julian City Clerk, says cost too much to repair kick them out.
Report dated May 4 1989 (5 pages) from the City's Director of Building Services regarding the Bird Estate, as request from the Apr. 26/89 City's Administration and Finance Committee meeting.
Report dated May 12 1989 (10 pages) from R.E. Winter & Associates Ltd., structural inspection of the Bird house (they get paid to write these things), building is reasonable sound but take $67,600 to do basic repairs
Report dated May 15 1989 (6 pages) from John Emery Geotechnical Engineering Limited (soils engineer), everything looks stable
Report dated May 18 1989 (4 pages) from the City's Director of Building Services Mr. F. J. Coppinger, regarding the Bird Estate, house not required for City's use in creating the Public Gardens, noted the City has got outside consultants involved, R.E. Winter & Associates Ltd. (structural engineer) and John Emery Geotechnical Engineering Limited (soils engineer)
Report dated May 19 1989 (2 pages) from the City's Manager, D.A. Lychak, gives reason why the Stevens should be made to leave.  Report noted that emergency repairs would cost $8,000 and long term $95,000.

ACTION TAKEN; Deferral of Deliberation regarding the Bird Estate - Councillor D. Culham submitted a Notice of Motion that will be presented June 14/89 (a) no demolition & (b) The Stevens be allowed to stay fro two years or till the City has other uses for the Bird Estate.

Jun. 14, 1989                            Meeting
City Council
- Agenda
DEPUTATIONS ITEM.# 4 - MADE BY; Mr. Stevens; Mrs. Linda Pinizzotto; Mr. Howard Morgan, President of the Erindale Woolands Ratepayers Association;
UNFINISHED BUSINESS, Item.# 9 - UB-1 Bird Estate: 1469 Burnhamthorpe Road West, says has been deferred and the Stevens should leave so the house can be demolished.
PETITIONS, Item.# 10 - about 575 signatures (26 pages of Petitions).
NOTICES OF MOTION, Item.# 15 - Councillor D. Culham submitted a Notice of Motion that will be presented June 14/89 (a) no demolition & (b) The Stevens be allowed to stay fro two years or till the City has other uses for the Bird Estate.
LETTERS ON THE AGENDA FROM; Mr. Howard to Councillor McKechnie;
Report dated Apr. 12 1989 (3 pages) from the Terence L. Julian City Clerk, says cost too much to repair, kick them out.
Report dated May 4 1989 (5 pages) from the City's Director of Building Services regarding the Bird Estate, as request from the Apr. 26/89 City's Administration and Finance Committee meeting.
Report dated May 12 1989 (10 pages) from R.E. Winter & Associates Ltd., structural inspection of the Bird house (they get paid to write these things), building is reasonable sound but take $67,600 to do basic repairs
Report dated May 15 1989 (6 pages) from John Emery Geotechnical Engineering Limited (soils engineer), everything looks stable.  The City claim that the House was going to slide into the Credit River Valley, disproved.
Report dated May 18 1989 (4 pages) from the City's Director of Building Services Mr. F. J. Coppinger, regarding the Bird Estate, house not required for City's use in creating the Public Gardens, noted the City has got outside consultants involved, R.E. Winter & Associates Ltd. (structural engineer) and John Emery Geotechnical Engineering Limited (soils engineer)
Report dated May 19 1989 (2 pages) from the City's Manager, D.A. Lychak, gives reason why the Stevens should be made to leave.

ACTION TAKEN; Council resolution 274-89 to demolish their home.

Jun. 15, 1989
Notice of eviction, 120 days to leave.

Jun. 26, 1989
City, Mr. Julian serves the Stevens, with the notice of Termination for demolition, date is Oct. 31 1989.

Aug. 1, 1989
News release from Mayor (Arthur Grannum, Executive Assistant to the Mayor), about clarifying the City's position regarding the Bird Estate. It state: "The decision to demolish was based on a staff report showing that the premises were in an unsafe and unacceptable condition."  It is important to understand that the Mayor and the Mayor's office are aware this is a falsehood, The City hired consultant and Councillor Culham have show this is a City created falsehood but still the Mayor pumps it out to the media who never challenge it.
It also talks about a new animal shelter to be built in Mississauga, along with a quote from the Mayor about the Ontario Humane Society "re-establishing a shelter".  Of course, to this day, it has not happened.

Aug. 16, 1989 Wed.            Meeting
City Council
- Additional Agenda
DEPUTATIONS ITEM.# 4 - MADE BY; Dr. Kenneth; Mrs. Linda Pinizzotto; Ms. Liz White of the Toronto Humane Society; Miss Merlin Andrews; Mr. Paul H. Reinhardt (lawyer for the Stevens)
PETITIONS, Item.# 10 - P-1 49 signatures in opposition to the closure of the cat Shelter & P-2  about 33 signatures who want a study regarding abandoned animals. There are more petitions than are noted here and the 26 pages of Petitions are not the same, as in last agenda.

ACTION TAKEN; Council resolution 374-89 which directs the memorandum dated Aug. 14/89 with attached information by D. Culham to Mayor and Councillors, regarding the Cat Shelter.  Be referred to the next Operations and Works Committee meeting, Sept. 6/89

NOTES:   This meeting took place during the day and many had to take time off from their work, about 150 showed up.  The Mayor was not there to control Council so the Councillors couldn't deal with this issue.

Sept. 6, 1989 at 2:00pm        Meeting
Operations and Works Committee meeting - Item 17, Corporate Report dated Sept. 1/89 by T.L. Julian, City Clerk, in regards to Resolution 374-89 and request for report 194-89 (Council Aug. 16/89), report on talks with the Ontario Humane Society about an animal shelter.
ACTION; received?

Sept. 20, 1989                            Meeting
Operations and Works Committee meeting
(stamp on first page says Admin/Finance)
INCLUDES; Corporate Report dated Sept. 13/89 - Animal Shelter In the City of Mississauga (Report Request 6-89), in Aug. 89 staff did a survey regarding animal shelters, people should work with the Ontario Humane Society to create a "foster home" network & encourage the South Peel Branch of Ontario Humane Society to re-establish a shelter.

ACTION; received for information.

Sept. 25, 1989                     Meeting
ACTION; recommendation OW-359-89 (a) Sept. 13/89 report on animal shelter be received for information, (b) staff keep on discussing the issues (!!! just keep on talking!!!)

Oct. 23, 1989 Mon.    7:00pm or 7:30?            Meeting
City Council
DEPUTATIONS ITEM.# 4 - MADE BY; The President of the Mississauga Academy of Veterinary Medicine
NOTES: This was the big meeting, the Appeal!!! - There was 800 supporters and it ran from about 8:00 to after 1:00am!  About 70% left before the vote was held and the time was wasted by the Councillors just carrying on about why they voted the way they did the first time.  Two other TV stations were there CBC and CFTO (?).

Oct. 31, 1989
The day the City set for them to move out.

Nov. 9, 1989
Date of issuing the Demolition permit.

Nov. 20, 1989
Court case in District Court of Ontario between the City of Mississauga and Stevens - date is the one it was sworn (7 pages).

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