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The Burnhamthorpe Cat Shelter;

In these letters, there are a number with mis-spelt words.  I have made an effort to keep the spelling as it originally occurred because we should see that persons who care will not be put off from not trying because they mis-spell some words.  It is important that other Mississaugans understand the emphasis is on all of us to make the effort to understand what is happening in OUR community and not pull an attitude as the grammar or spelling is not up to some professional standard that is often out of reach, for financial reasons.  This kind of put down has happened to me.

This is a work in progress, that depends on volunteers retyping and gathering records of this very interesting story - it will grow as time goes on - if you wish to help let me know.

Nov. 23,  1988                    Letter
Dave Culham to Mrs. Betty Hurson - he says that he has spoken to Animal control about the Cat Shelter and they agree "there should be no problem to let this facility coexist."

Nov. 24,  1988                    Letter
Kenneth L. Eston (Veterinarian) D.V.M., D.V.P.M. to Hazel McCallion, Mayor - about By-law officers trying to shut down the Cat shelter.

Jan. 10, 1989                        Letter
Linda Mailer, Committee Coordinator to Mr. & Mrs. Stevens - noted their Jan. 5/89 deputation and the recommendation from the meeting.

Jan. 10, 1989                        Letter
Mr. Howard & Mrs. Betty Hurson to City - about Cat shelter.

Jan. 20, 1989                        Letter
Betty Hurson to the Mayor -

Mar. 7,  1989                            Memorandum
Ian W. Scott, Commissioner of Recreation & Parks dept. to R.K. Johnston, Director of Realty Services - that a In Camera report be created to recommend demolition the dwelling at 1469 Burnhamthorpe Rd. - tell the person what the report is to say. It is very interesting that this only comes to light in a May-89 Corp. report.

Apr. 28, 1989                        Letter
Brain Stevens to Councillor - giving reasons for reconsideration of the demolish order for their home.

Apr. 30, 1989                        Letter
Burnhamthorpe Cat Shelter, Lois Stevens to Adoptions only - need your help to get the City to reconsider and need to find homes for the cats.

May 10, 1989                      Letter to Editor    -    Mississauga News
Humane Society by R.J. Burr, President, South-Peel Branch, Ontario Humane Society - he writes about the two News articles the Mississauga News published Apr. 12/89.

May 19,  1989                        Memorandum (9 pages)
D. Culham to members of Council - RE: Bird property - Stevens Residence, he goes in to great detail why the Stevens should remain and that the report prepared by City staff is full of "weird and wonderful arguments", he made no friends with this memo but he did the right thing in standing up for those in is Ward and this issue.  A MUST READ!

May 24, 1989                          Letter
L. M. McGillivary, Director, Support Services/Deputy Clerk to Mr. & Mrs. Stevens - informing them of outcome of May 23 Council meeting, that the deputations list will be repeated as they were not heard.  City putting people through the Mill call them out to meeting for nothing.

May 25, 1989                            Letter
D. Culham to Mr. & Mrs. Stevens - he encloses material.

Jun. 15, 1989                        Letter
L. M. McGillivary, Director, Support Services/Deputy Clerk to Mr. & Mrs. Stevens - informing them of outcome of Jun. 14 Council meeting, noting their deputation and receipt of petitions - Notice of Resolution 274-89, 120 days to leave, the house demolished and the City is to assist the Stevens in locating other accommodations.

Jun. 18, 1989                    Letter
Linda Pinizzotto to Councillor D. Lane - about the motion to demolish the Bird house, notes almost 700 people came out to Council meeting, notes the insults they got from politicians,

Jun. 18, 1989                        Letter
Betty Hurson and Husband to Councillor Pat Mullin.

Jun. 18, 1989                        Letter
Betty Hurson and Husband to Councillor Donna Lane.

Jun. 18, 1989                        Letter
Betty Hurson and Husband to Councillor Frank McKechnie.

Jun. 18, 1989                        Letter
Linda Pinizzotto to The Premier of Ontario, David Peterson & Councillor Lane - please visit the property to see it is in good shape.

Jun. 19, 1989                        Letter
Betty Hurson and Husband to Councillor Frank Dale.

Jun. 19, 1989                        Letter
Betty Hurson and Husband to Councillor Ted Southorn.

Jun. 19, 1989                           Letter
Betty Hurson to Councillor N. Iannicca

Jun. 26, 1989
City, Mr. Julian serves the Stevens, with the notice of Termination for demolition, date is Oct. 31 1989.

Jul. 28, 1989                        Letter
Betty Hurson to Mayor & Councillors

Aug. 1, 1989
News release from Mayor (Arthur Grannum, Executive Assistant to the Mayor), about clarifying the City's position regarding the Bird Estate. It state: "The decision to demolish was based on a staff report showing that the premises were in an unsafe and unacceptable condition."  It is important to understand that the Mayor and the Mayor's office are aware this is a falsehood, The City hired consultant and Councillor Culham have show this is a City created falsehood but still the Mayor pumps it out to the media who never challenge it.
It also talks about a new animal shelter to be built in Mississauga, along with a quote from the Mayor about the Ontario Humane Society "re-establishing a shelter".  Of course, to this day, it has not happened.

Aug. 1, 1989                        Letter
The Premier of Ontario, David Peterson to Linda Pinizzotto - about her request to stop the demolish of 1469 Burnhamthorpe Rd. W. - refers to her letter of Jun. 18 1989.

Aug. 16, 1989                        Letter
Mayor, signed by Arthur Grannum to Mrs. Betty Hurson - about her July 28 letter to the Mayor, encloses a copy of Mayors press Release "so that you will have the current information on the "Bird property", in a pigs eye it will.  {have two signed originals of the same letter by A. G., how odd}

Oct. ??  1989                      Letter to Editor    -    Mississauga News
Best arrangement By David J. Culham, Councillor  - notes an editor Aug. 18, "Simple problem; simple solution", he generally stands up for the Stevens.

Oct. 9, 1989                            Letter
Lois Stevens to supporters - come Council to meeting and support

Oct. 27, 1989                        Letter
Betty Hurson to Editor, Mississauga News, about Oct. 23 meeting.

Nov. 12, 1989                             Letter
Lois Stevens to Betty Hurson - Thank you for your help - shows insight in how City Council and Councillors operates.

Nov. 16, 1989                       Letter to Editor    -    Mississauga News
Moral Dereliction By Merlin Andrew - no democracy or mercy for the Cats or Stevens -

Jan. 15, 1990                            Letter
Betty Hurson to Mayor and members of Council - how unfairly the City enforces its by-laws.

Jan. 1991                                Letter to Editor    -    Mississauga News
A sad day By Betty Hurson.

******************  items without complete dates ******************

 1989                                        Letter to Editor     -    Mississauga News
 Appalled  By ? - not all there

  1989                                       Letter to Editor    -    Mississauga News
'Ideal' shelter  By Fiona Cameron-Forth B.Sc. DVM on behalf of Mississauga Academy of Veterinary Medicine -- note it was also addressed to City Council

   1989                                      Letter to Editor    -    Mississauga News
No democracy by Virginia Kent  -

   19??                                          Letter to Editor    -    Mississauga News? or Star?
Help sought for family of cats By Sherre Wells - she has cats and wants help.

  1989                                        Letter
Frank Dineen to supporters - come out to the Oct. 23, 1989 City Council meeting

It will make a difference!
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