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Internet copy - my comments are at the end, click on the highlighted text to go to specific comments, which will have numbers in brackets e.g.. {1}
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12, 2002, 9:20 A.M.

PRESENT: Mayor H. McCallion
Councillor C. Corbasson Ward 1
Councillor P. Mullin Ward 2
Councillor M. Prentice Ward 3
Councillor F. Dale Ward 4
Councillor C. Gyles Ward 5
Councillor G. Carlson Ward 6
Councillor N. Iannicca Ward 7
Councillor K. Mahoney Ward 8
Councillor P. Saito Ward 9

Mr. D. O’Brien, City Manager
Mr. P. Mitcham, Commissioner of Community Services
Mr. T. Mokrzycki, Commissioner of Planning and Building
Mr. M. Powell, Commissioner of Transportation and Works
Ms. J. Baker, Commissioner of Corporate Services and Treasurer
Ms. M.E. Bench, City Solicitor, Office of the City Solicitor
Mr. A.D. Grannum, Deputy Clerk

Council     Min     June 12, 2002                     - 16 -



That the Report dated May 14, 2002, from the Commissioner of Planning and Building recommending approval of the applications under file OZ 01/031 W6, Fitzwood Investments Limited and 1435871 Ontario Inc., Part of Lot 6, Concession 3, W.H.S. and Blocks 27 and 31, R.P. 43M-1167, north side of Britannia Road West, east of Bidwell Trail, be adopted in accordance with the following:

1. That notwithstanding that subsequent to the public meeting, a change to the application has been proposed, Council considers that the change does not require further notice and, therefore, pursuant to the provisions of subsection 34(17) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P.13, as amended, any further notice regarding the proposed amendment is hereby waived.

2. That the application to amend the Official Plan to delete the "Natural  Area"classification contained on Schedule 3, Environmental Areas, of City Plan as it pertains to a portion of the subject lands, be approved.

3. That the application to change the Zoning from "A" and "RM5-2011" to "RM5-Special Section" to permit a maximum of 81 row dwellings be approved subject to the following conditions:

(a) The provisions of section 21 (setbacks to Britannia Road West) shall not  apply.

(b) The provisions of section 44, subsections (4), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9), (10)  and (11) (angular planes) shall not apply.

(c) The total number of dwelling units shall be 81.

(d) A minimum setback between parking and habitable rooms of 1.81 m (5.9  ft.) shall apply.

(e) The minimum setback of a building or structure from a sight triangle shall be 3.35 m (11.0 ft.).

(f) The minimum setback of a covered porch to any lot line shall be 6.0 m  (19.7 ft.).

(g) That each row dwelling shall have a private garage having a rectangular area with a minimum width of 2.75 m (9.02 ft.) and a minimum length of 6.0 m (19.7ft.) and that the parking space within the privategarage shall have an unobstructed space with a minimum width of 2.75 m (9.02 ft.), a minimum length of 5.2 m (17.06 ft.), and a minimum height of 2.0 m (6.56.ft.).

4. That prior to the passing of an implementing zoning by-law for residential development, the City of Mississauga shall be advised by the School Boards that satisfactory arrangements regarding the adequate provision and distribution of educational facilities have been made between the developer/applicant and the School Boards for the subject development.

5. That the applicant agree to satisfy all the requirements of the City and any other official agency concerned with the proposed development.

6. That the decision of Council for approval of the rezoning application be considered null and void, and a new development application be required unless a zoning by-law is passed within 18 months of the Council decision.

OZ 01/031 W6


0165-2002      Moved by: C. Corbasson          Seconded by: F. Dale

1. That recommendations PDC-0070-2002 to PDC-0074-2002 inclusive of the Planning and Development Committee Report 10-2002 dated June 3, 2002, be adopted, as amended in PDC-007-2002 and PDC-0074-2002.

2. That recommendations GC-0353-2002 to GC-0398-2002 inclusive of the General Committee Report 10-2002 dated June 5, 2002, be adopted, as submitted.

3. That recommendation MCAC-0002-2002 of the Cycling Advisory Committee Report 2-2002 dated May 14, 2002, be adopted, as submitted.

4. That recommendations AC-0005-2002 to AC-0008-2002 inclusive of the Audit Committee Report 2-2002 dated May 27, 2002, be adopted, as submitted.



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[ Comments by Don B. -    ]

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