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Bidwell Forest
Pictures & Maps

If you have some pictures to share with us please forward them.
July 7 really up-dated this page!
And yes it will take a long time to laod.

These pictures are from the Sustain Mississauga Web-Site.

Maps & Blue Prints

Say goodbye to our Natural Heritage.  If it was not for people like Therese Taylor and  Susan Karrandjas, most of the trees in the background would be gone too.

An earlier shot about the same time as these.
It is interesting that all this work, heavy machinery is being used and there are no fences to keep the public out or signs to warn people to stay off the property.  Not the first time I have seen this kinds of behaviour by developers in Mississauga.  Its like they know no one form the City is going to get on their case.

There was even a small Wetlands.  Not very safe now is it?

What a rare Shagbark Hickory Tree looks like when it is alive and standing.
Note the sliver tag on it.  Most of the trees that were cut down had these tags.  There was a time when this woodlands was seen as something worth saving and there is even proof of a a person in City hall that objected to the City "down zoning" this land so it could be chain sawed to death.

What rare Shagbark Hickory Trees looks like when they are dead.
Taken in general area where the sewer main route is.

W M D found!
Yes the weapons to destroy whole ecosystems that our
children depend on for their health!
I think the chipper on the right is the Destroyer 2000 that can eat a whole forest in one sitting, live deer and bunny rabbits too and spite out enough political promises and rhetoric to bury alive any one who disagrees.

On the Killaby Dr. or north side.
Most of those trees would be piles of saw dust if not for the efforts of two very brave ladies.
The break in the fence at the right is what tipped off Therese that some thing smelled rotten as it was not on the maps she was given.

The surprise sewer main route after the trees are cleared away.
But this matter is about more then where a sewer main goes or that the developers dealt so poorly with those in the community who held them to a higher standard.  I say it is also about getting what you want by surreptitious means.
This is spelled out in the maps section.

These pictures are from the Sustain Mississauga Web-Site.

Maps & Blue Prints

One of the earliest maps - shows next to nothing in the way of a Tree Preservation Area and a street that run right on to Killaby Dr.  This street is important as it shows the original intentions of the developer to create a transit point between their subdivision and the older one to the north.

Next we see two Tree Preservation Areas which I understand was what the City approved by its By-law.  Two small areas are not as good as one big one and urban forestry consultant Philip van Wassenaer commented that the enlarged, contiguous strip of forest “is preferable to the originally proposed Tree Preservation Plan” passed by the by-laws, which allowed for two smaller tree preservation areas, together about one half acre in total. “Ecologically, this configuration is preferable as it provides one continuous forest block with considerably less edge than the previous configuration. This area will be easier to preserve effectively during the construction process," he stated.

The single Tree Preservation Area that Therese Taylor and Susan Karrandjas agreed to when they singed the Settlement Agreement.  Notice there is nothing about a sewer main.  They asked about the sidewalk shown going through the Tree Preservation Area and were told it was a mistake.  A bit too trusting.
But this does show what I have been talking about the developer intention to get a transit point through the Tree Preservation Area to Killaby Dr.
Now after the sewer main is in the area will have a few trees planted but people will see the path created and start to use it to travel to Killaby Dr., trampling the area into a permanent path.  Even if a fence is put up a hole will likely be cut in it because the forest has been removed and people will just logical see an easy way through.  The damage done will widen the cut area.  I have so far not seen any plan that will ensure over the long term that the forest in that area will be restored.  As these things go, in Mississauga, make the promise and under fund it so it is bound to fail.  It takes a few years but in the end, a path or road will likely happen and over use of the rest of the Tree Preservation Area can lead to development there too.  Remember how easy City Council down zoned this whole area for this development?

Interesting how few trees are shown on the blueprint but in the pictures there are some many more.

As we can see below, the sewer main route is in the same area as first the road was planed, then the sidewalk.  And who stamped the plans approved?
That is below.


I hear the Mayor is now trying to say just the Region of Peel approves sewer locations.
Well that comes as no surprise to me.

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