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Greater  Mississauga  Area

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Scanned or retyped copy.  If there are errors, please e-mail me with corrections:
Opening comments:  More at the end.

From  the City's Mar. 2, 2004, Supplementary Report, regarding this Rezoning Application.  Two pages (on one sheet).  Unlines & bolding added to emphasis the dates and subject of the WELLS.

Page 4    8c


Region of Peel

In comments updated on August 27, 2003 and September 16,
2003, this agency indicated that there is a 350 mm (14 in.)
diameter and a 300 mm (12 in.) diameter watermain on Cawthra
Road. This agency also noted that there are currently two
watermains that ran through the subject lands and that no
construction, buildings, structures, obstructions or hard concrete
surfaces are to be placed on top of them. On-site waste
collection will continue through a private waste hauler.

Credit Valley Conservation

In comments updated on September 25, 2003, this agency
indicated that as the subject application is to recognize the
existing uses in Cawthra Park and to allow for a limited number
of additional uses within the Cawthra-Elliott Estate House, they
have no concerns with the proposal.

City Transportation and Works Department

In comments updated on October 3, 2003 this Department
indicated that a satisfactory Environmental Site Screening
Questionnaire and Declaration (ESSQD) form has been
submitted. They have also reviewed satisfactory Phase I and

PDC                 - 5 -     8d                         March 2, 2004  OZ 00/024 W1

Phase II Environmental site Assessment (ESA) reports for the
subject lands noting that all wells on site that are no longer in use
are to be decommissioned in accordance with all applicable
guidelines and regulations.

City Community Services Department - Planning and Administration Division

In comments updated on September 29, 2003, this Department
indicated that it has no concerns or requirements as the proposal
addresses the recommendations of the 1999 Cawthra Woods
Management and Implementation Plan that the Cawthra Woods
be rezoned from a residential zoning to a zone that recognizes
the natural area and allows only those uses permitted by the ...

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