Friends  of  the  Cawthra  Bush


Greater  Mississauga  Area

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Scanned copy, if there are errors, please e-mail me with corrections :
Page - S9 - Mississauga News, Sunday, Feb. 13/94

Last Chance!

Last Chance to Stop the Logging of the Cawthra Woods

The City is now Iogging its parks, the Cawthra Woods. This project was pushed ahead at surprising speed, so much so that local residents didn't get a real opportunity to input what kind of park they wanted. The information the City presented to the residents on most parts of project is high questionable, badly researched and based on unverifiable events. There is strong historical evidence that the forest has always been wild (old growth of a kind).

The key questions of ground water and drainage were not answered. An individual environment assessment must be done, to know what is going on, as one of the stated goals is to create a healthy woodlot. The Cawthra Woods is a very special place, and deserves to be treated as a cultural property and landscape. The public has not had the chance to go into details with the City. Few of us know just what is planned...will there be roads through the woods? We do have a say and if we don't act now, not only will the Cawthra Woods become a tree farm, but 40 other parks will suffer the same fate.

A meeting will be held by the friends of Cawthra Woods at the Cawthra Elliot Estate, Sunday, Feb. 20/94, at 2:00 pm for an open decision on the future of one of our wild, historical parks. Please walk through the woods before hand, to see first hand the rehabilitation. There will also be a photo contest. A prize of $100 will be awarded to the photo that shows best the deforestation of the Cawthra Woods. The judging will be done by the people who attend, by vote.

You can start your own Petition calling for a time out; even if it only has the names of your family (young and old) and drop it off to:
Friends of Cawthra Woods, 1614 Exbury Crescent, Mississauga, LAG 2P6. If more info is needed, please call after 6pm at 278-7877. What ever help you can offer will be much appreciated. In addition, please write to the Mayor or Mr. Kennedy, and let them know that you want to stop the logging until you have had time to hear all sides.

PHOTO; Had a line drawing, clip art by the Mississauga News in the back ground.

It will make a difference!

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[COMMENTS BY DON B. -    My first try at public meetings.   Between this notice in the newspaper and booking one room at the Cawthra estate, it took all the money I had.   I am not a wealthy person to be sure.   ]

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