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Scanned copy, if there are errors, please e-mail me with corrections:
Opening comments - more at end.

E-MAIL Sent   Dec.10 - 2000

ALERT !! -- !! ALERT !! -- !! -- !! ALERT !! -- !! ALERT !! -- !! ALERT !!



That is right it is HO HO HO and death to the salamanders as this years Christmas present from
our newly elected Mayor, Hazel McCallion and Councillor Carmen Corbasson (as she has not
received a single vote, I can't truthfully say she is an elected official).  It is common knowledge that
politicians will do the worse things to the public right after being elected and this year is no different.

I need your help and protection so we can stop this lethal plan by the City.

The item in question can be found on the City's web-site - City Council agenda, for the Dec. 13 2000 (http//  It is close to the end of the agenda, not likely to be found by anyone but I did.

(b) General Committee Report 192000 of December 6, 2000.

GC-0832-2000 That the project by Community Services to partially demolish the walled garden at the Cawthra Estate, 1507 Cawthra Road for safety reasons, be endorsed and that staff be requested to salvage any remaining bricks for other heritage projects in the City.
CS.08.Cawthra Road (1507)

What has the walled garden got to do with salamanders?  The bricks that over the decades have fallen to ground provide a the perfect salamander habitat.  I have informed the City at the big Nov. 29/99 Urban Forest Management Advisory Committee meeting that they tried to cut me off from making points, of this fact.  Not only have I noted this but Dr. Bogart who did a "Salamander Survey at Cawthra Park", noted Jefferson salamanders left the breeding area and headed north, right towards the walled garden.  He also notes "Cawthra Park represents the most eastern population of Ambystoma jeffersonianum that has been found in Ontario." and that the population at Cawthra likely the last in Mississauga, so "it is deemed to be important to monitor the population in Cawthra Park."

History repeats its self and the City is doing the same thing it did in 1994.  The City knew that there would be environmental restrictions applied to the Cawthra Bush in only a few months so it went in ahead of time to destroy (log the trees that would be about 100 years old, to day, if the City had not cut them down) the elements of the Cawthra Bush that would protect the Cawthra Bush from over use and development by the City.  The City's management plans call for "That native wildlife (including amphibians) be inventoried, in order to establish wildlife protection measures.", so if they are killed off before the can be "inventoried" or "monitored", then that is just too bad.  And as the City is trying to sneak this by us at Christmas time when most people don't have time to spare, speaks volumes about how the City plays to win.  The walled garden would be the prefect location for a outdoor educational centre.

The City said in its management plans "The walled garden ruin is to be made safe.  The brick walled garden, a designated heritage structure,".  Nowhere does it say destroy it and worse of all to remove the bricks.  The promises made to residents of Mississauga that we would be involved making the decisions regarding what happens at the Cawthra Bush, totally untrue!  The City wants to go in during the winter to "salvage any remaining bricks", and unprotected from the winter, those salamanders not killed by digging up the bricks will be killed by the cold.  This is how the City of Mississauga acts in an area just declared a Provincially Significant Wetland Complex.  Further more the City's desire to eliminate salamander habitat and not requiring proper public participation, violates many of the City's own stated Goals and Objectives for Cawthra Woods, listed in the Cawthra Woods Management Plan & Cawthra Woods Implementation Plan, (Dec. 15/99).  That we were led to believe would save guard the Cawthra Bush.

There are two meetings that are very important and if you can attend it would mean a lot to our success.  Not just so those attending can see support from the taxpayers and residents of Mississauga that I represent but I do need the protection.  If there are persons beside me than City staff and politicians are less likely to try and start a fight with me, so they can blame it on me.  The City has decided to cut off the head (me), of the Friends of the Cawthra Bush to kill the body of resistance to City plans. If you can come to either of these two meetings please let me know, I need to know!

Dec. 11, this Monday at City hall, an UFMAC meeting it starts at 700.  I will be speaking close to the start so you will likely not have to stay more than an hour.  NOTE As these meetings have been cancelled at the last minute in the past it is important for you to call the UFMAC Co-ordinator Karin Brent at 896-5426 to tell her that you wish to attend and to be contacted if the meeting is cancelled.

Dec. 13, Wednesday City Council at City Hall.  As I just asked to be added to the agenda (http//, to speak on this matter, I will be at the end of the list which is a long one.  The meeting starts at 900 but I may not speak till 1100 or later.  It would be very important that there are people standing beside me as I speak, to keep the politicians civil.

Please - E-mail these people (and myself so I can know the level of support) <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>

Tell them; I am are very upset the City is carrying out a plan that was not properly presented to the public as the City promised it would be in its Management plans for the Cawthra Bush.  The item in question is in the City Council agenda, for the Dec. 13/2000, item - 9. COMMITTEE REPORTS  -  (b) General Committee Report 192000 of December 6, 2000.  - (HAC-0062-2000) - GC-0832-2000 That the project by Community Services to partially demolish the walled garden at the Cawthra Estate, 1507 Cawthra Road for safety reasons, be endorsed and that staff be requested to salvage any remaining bricks for other heritage projects in the City.  CS.08.Cawthra Road (1507).  As this plan will endanger the most important and rare spices in the Cawthra Bush,
the Jefferson salamander and other salamander/amphibian/reptile habitats.  As well as removing a valuable element of the Lakeview heritage, without an appropriate and specific public meeting.  I am not seeking assurances from the City, that the City means no harm to the Cawthra Bush, its wildlife or our heritage and that any interpretation of City actions that are to that effect are wrong.  I am strongly demanding that the City of Mississauga Council not approve this plan.  That it go through a full public process and that Mr. Barber, who represent my concerns, be made fully informed of these plans, immediately.

It will make a difference!
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